Origami Geometric and other shapes
(Total of 38 designs. Page 1 of 4)3D Cube illusion by Noah Ratcliffe
Folded from a hexagon of origami paperModular ring by Paolo Bascetta
Diagrams in Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-24Diagrams in Origami - A Love Story by Yossi Nir
Diagrams in Quadrato Magico Magazine 65
Diagrams in Origami (Bascetta) by Paolo Bascetta
Diagrams in Papiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios
Folded from 14 squares of patterned origami paper

Star unit by Nick Robinson
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 133Diagrams in Origami USA Convention 1989
Diagrams in CDO convention 2003
Diagrams in Classic Origami by Paul Jackson
Diagrams in MFPP 2004 Convention
Diagrams in MFPP 1991 Convention
Diagrams in The Encyclopedia of Origami Techniques by Nick Robinson
Folded from 5 squares of holographic paper

5 intersecting tetrahedra by Thomas Hull
Diagrams in Action Origami by Rick BeechDiagrams in BOS Convention 1996 Autumn
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 200
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 250
Diagrams in Das Diagramm 36
Diagrams in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Diagrams in Project Origami by Thomas Hull
Folded from 30 rectangles of origami paper
Borloz ball 1 and 2 by Andrew Borloz
Diagrams in Fun Origami World by Makoto YamaguchiDiagrams in Fun Origami World by Makoto Yamaguchi
Diagrams in Geometric Origami: The Art of Modular Paper Sculpture by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander
Each folded from 6 squares of origami paper

Chain Link Cube by David Brill
Diagrams in The Origami Diagram Book by Beth Johnson and Ilan GaribiFolded from squares of origami paper

Creamy star by Ali Bahmani
Diagrams in Foldspace Origami Convention 2020Folded from a pentagon of Elephant-Hide

Crowding butterflies by Fujimoto Shuzo
Diagrams in BOS Convention 1989 AutumnDiagrams in Butterflies in Origami by Nick Robinson
Diagrams in NOA Magazine 573
Diagrams in Origami Project F - Hydrangea Folds by Fujimoto Shuzo
Diagrams in OrigamIsrael 2021 8th Convention
Diagrams in The Paper Magazine 94
Folded from a square of origami paper