Action Origami book cover

Action Origami

by Rick Beech

2002 by Southwater pub

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Skill Level Simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Not really diagrams - but step photographs, all in full color along with explanations
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Full color photos
Photos of completed models? Yes
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Most are

Overall Impression

First of all - if you have the book: Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding, Don't get Action Origami, since it's only a partial collection of models from that book. Nothing new is added. If you don't have The Complete Guide , then maybe you should consider buying it instead of Action Origami , because it adds many other nice models.

The book opens with a colorful section about the history of origami, followed by an excellent gallery of models. Next is a section about techniques (including back-coating and wet-folding) all with color photographs.

The models range in difficulty from simple to intermediate, and there are no diagrams - the instructions are all photographs with explanatory text. This can be an advantage to those having difficulty reading from diagrams, and a disadvantage to those who are used to the symbol system.

There are 29 Origami Designs in Action Origami:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Jumping frog

Toys - Action Models


Also in BOS Convention 2012 Spring
Also in Everything Origami by Matthew Gardiner
Also in Fantastic Folds by Andrew Stoker
Also in La Fisarmonica - QQM 2
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Origami Anywhere by Nick Robinson
and in other sources...
Origami Jumping frog by Traditional on
Folded by Nick Robinson

Toys - Planes

Traditional31Rectangle - A size

Toys - Noisemaking


Toys - Planes

Michael G. LaFosse33Square

Make a pack of them and they fly…
Dog - barking

Toys - Action Models

Ulrike Krallmann-Wenzel34Square

Cute action model

Toys - Planes

Sanny Ang35Square

Also in BOS Convention 1991 Autumn
Also in BOS Convention 1992 Autumn
Also in BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary
Also in BOS Magazine 150
Also in Der Falter 23
Also in Le Pli 70
and in other sources...

Zooms away and comes back
Origami Zoomerang by Sanny Ang on
Folded by Nick Robinson

Toys - Planes

Kosho Uchiyama38Square

Spins as it comes down
Dog - nodding

Toys - Action Models

Paul Jackson40Square
2 units
Magic star or Frisbee

Toys - Action Models

Robert Neale42Square
8 units

Also in BOS Magazine 54
Also in Dutch Origami Convention 1988 Hoorn
Also in Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
Also in NOA Magazine 271
Also in Origami - Easy-to-Make Paper Creations by Gay Merrill Gross
Also in Origami de Christmas 2
Also in Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson
and in other sources...

A very clever shape changing toy
Origami Magic star or Frisbee by Robert Neale on
Folded by Rui Roda
Crow - pecking

Toys - Action Models

Makoto Yamaguchi44Square

Cute action fold
Flapping bird

Toys - Action Models

Paul Jackson46Square

Also in Action Origami Toys by Paul Jackson and Miri Golan
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Origami 4 by Robert Harbin
Also in Origami Toys That Tumble, Fly and Spin by Paul Jackson
Origami Flapping bird by Paul Jackson. Folded from a square of Kraft origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on
Folded from a square of Kraft origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Frog - talking

Toys - Action Models

Teruo Tsuji49Square
Lizard - moving

Toys - Action Models

Tomoko Fuse52Square
12 units

Also in Le Pli 35
Also in BOS Magazine 126
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in The New Origami by Steve and Megumi Biddle
Also in Origami You Can Play With by Tomoko Fuse
Origami Lizard - moving by Tomoko Fuse on
Folded by Rui Roda
Laughter lines


Traditional58$ US Dollar Bill

Manipulating a money bill to make the figure happy or sad - fun!
Fortune teller

Toys - Action Models


Also in Folding Japan with Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in Creating Origami by J.C. Nolan
Also in Der Falter 3
Also in Der Falter 27
Also in My First Origami Kit by Joel Stern
Also in Origami 1 by Robert Harbin
Also in Origami in Action by Robert J. Lang
and in other sources...
Origami Fortune teller by Traditional on
Folded by JC Nolan


Traditional60$ US Dollar Bill

Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Mormon Origami by Todd Huisken
Origami Shirt by Traditional. Folded from a rectangle of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on
Folded from a rectangle of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Envelope trick

Toys - Puzzles

Traditional62Other shape

A method of folding the lip of an envelope out on itself
Blinking eyes

Toys - Puppets

Jeremy Shafer64Square

Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Origami to Astonish and Amuse by Jeremy Shafer
Origami Blinking eyes by Jeremy Shafer on
Folded by Marco Abate

Flora - Fruit and Vegetables

Rae Cooker66Square

Also in NOA Magazine 185
Also in Das Diagramm 26
Also in Decoration Box by Tomoko Fuse
Also in Le Pli 62-63
Also in MFPP 1992 Convention
Also in Origami - A Complete Step-by-Step Guide by Paul Jackson
and in other sources...

A classic
Origami Strawberry by Rae Cooker. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Kissing lips

Toys - Puppets

Soon Young Lee68Square

Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in NOA Magazine 438
Also in Origami from Around the World by Vicente Palacios
Also in Origamido by Michael G. LaFosse
Also in Wonderful Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara
Origami Kissing lips by Soon Young Lee on
Folded by Paula Versnick

Mammals - Suidae - Pigs and Boars

Paul Jackson71Rectangle - 1X2

Also in 18 of My Paper Folds - BOS booklet 16 by Paul Jackson
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Origami Zoo by Paul Jackson and Miri Golan
Also in Paper Magic by Paul Jackson
Also in The Ultimate Papercraft and Origami Book by Paul Jackson and Angela A'Court
Origami Pig by Paul Jackson on
Folded by Rui Roda

Toys - Action Models

Lewis Simon74Square
12 units

Also in Origami - Easy-to-Make Paper Creations by Gay Merrill Gross
Also in Pajarita Extra 1988
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Origami Spinner by Lewis Simon on
Folded by Rui Roda
Butterfly ball

Toys - Action Models

Kenneth Kawamura75Square
12 units

The famous butterfly ball - An exploding geometric shape
Japanese brocade

Geometric and other shapes

Ishibashi Minako76Square
6 units

Also in ORU Magazine 8
Also in BOS Convention 1987 Spring
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in NOA Magazine 143

Also known as "Ishibashi ball" a very nice variation of the Sonobe unit. The result looks like a cube with ribbons around it
Origami Japanese brocade by Ishibashi Minako on
Folded by Meenakshi Mukerji
5 intersecting tetrahedra

Geometric and other shapes

Thomas Hull79Rectangle - 1X3
30 units

Also in BOS Convention 1996 Autumn
Also in BOS Magazine 200
Also in BOS Magazine 250
Also in Das Diagramm 36
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Project Origami by Thomas Hull
and in other sources...
Origami 5 intersecting tetrahedra by Thomas Hull. Folded from 30 rectangles of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on
Folded from 30 rectangles of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Modular star

Geometric and other shapes

Tomoko Fuse82Square
30 units

Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Origami Modular star by Tomoko Fuse on
Folded by Rebecca
Modular cube

Geometric and other shapes

Lewis Simon85Square
12 units

Also in BOS Convention 1987 Autumn
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Pajarita Magazine 19
Also in Papiroflexia Basica by Vicente Palacios
Also in Quadrato Magico Magazine 23
Also in Origami USA Convention 1990
and in other sources...
Origami Modular cube by Lewis Simon on
Folded by Rui Roda

Geometric and other shapes

30 units

Toys - Action Models

Yami Yamauchi92Square
12 units

Also in BOS Magazine 197
Also in Origami - The Complete Guide to the Art of Paperfolding by Rick Beech
Also in Origami Journal (Russian) 23 2000 3
Also in Yami's Origami - Manuscript of Models by Yami Yamauchi

An excellent turning-twisting flexagon
Origami Fireworks by Yami Yamauchi. Folded from 12 squares of duo paper by Gilad Aharoni on
Folded from 12 squares of duo paper by Gilad Aharoni