4 Esquinas Magazine 1 book cover

4 Esquinas Magazine 1

2010 by revista4esquinas

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There are 4 Origami Designs in 4 Esquinas Magazine 1:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Geometric and other shapes

Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez5Square
12 units

Mammals - Bovidae - Sheep, Goats and Bovides

Roman Diaz23Square

Also in OrigaMIT 2011 Convention Book
Origami Sheep by Roman Diaz. Folded from a square of double-sided mulberry paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of double-sided mulberry paper by Gilad Aharoni

Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys

Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez27SquareOrigami Horse by Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez on giladorigami.com
Folded by Luc Marnat
Polar bear

Mammals - Ursidae - Bears

Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez35Square

Also in Chilean Origami Convention 2011

Crease pattern
Origami Polar bear by Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez on giladorigami.com
Folded by PAN Hang