Quadrato Magico Magazine 117 book cover

Quadrato Magico Magazine 117

2017 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 3 Origami Designs in Quadrato Magico Magazine 117:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Spinning flower

Toys - Action Models

Eleonora Troisi32Square
8 units
Fox with teeth

Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves

Oriol Esteve36Square

Also in BOS Magazine 296
Also in OrigamIsrael 2018 5th Convention
Also in Pajarita Magazine 132
Also in Stop Thinking, Start Folding by Oriol Esteve
Origami Fox with teeth by Oriol Esteve on giladorigami.com
Folded by Kathleen Sheridan

Vehicles - Spacecrafts

Stefano Pellone40Square