Quadrato Magico Magazine 7 book cover

Quadrato Magico Magazine 7

1982 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 7 Origami Designs in Quadrato Magico Magazine 7:

Design Designer Page Details Photo



Grupo Zaragozano11Square

Mammals - Marsupialia - Kangaroos

Grupo Zaragozano12Square

Birds - Struthioniformes - Ostriches

Juan Gimeno13Square

Also in MFPP 1991 Convention
Also in Pajarita Extra 2020 - Our Authors 2
Origami Ostrich by Juan Gimeno on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Salt cellar with legs

Boxes and Containers

Jack J. Skillman14Square

Geometric and other shapes

Andrea Peggion16Square
Pajarita cube

Geometric and other shapes

Vicente Palacios18Square
6 units
8-point star

Geometric and other shapes

Wayne Brown23Square
2 units

Also in Origami Deutschland - Merry Christmas 1997
Also in Simple Origami as Featured in The New Countesthorpe Herald - BOS booklet 75 by Penny Groom
Also in World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson
Also in BOS Convention 1980 Autumn
Also in BOS Magazine 269
Also in Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-10
and in other sources...
Origami 8-point star by Wayne Brown on giladorigami.com
Folded by Lou Pearson