Decorative Origami Boxes from Single Squares - BOS Booklet 61 book cover

Decorative Origami Boxes from Single Squares - BOS Booklet 61

by Arnold Tubis and Leon Brown

2003 by British Origami Society - BOS

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Skill Level Simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Most are

There are 11 Origami Designs in Decorative Origami Boxes from Single Squares - BOS Booklet 61:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Masu box

Boxes and Containers


Also in Beginner Origami by Yoshihide Momotani
Also in Creative Origami and Beyond
Also in Enjoy Origami in English (Joy of Origami!) by Satoshi Takagi
Also in NOA Magazine 134
Also in NOA Magazine 152
Also in NOA Magazine 165
Also in NOA Magazine 167
and in other sources...
Origami Masu box by Traditional on
Folded by Lou Pearson
Closing the Masu

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis8Square

Variation on closing the Masu box
Banded box

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis9Square
Flower box

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis10Square

Open or closed
Large blossom box

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis12Square
Flower box I

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis14Square
Flower box II

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis16Square
Flower box III

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis17Square
Flower box IV

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis18Square
Flower Box V

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis20Square
Petal leaves decorative box

Boxes and Containers

Arnold Tubis22Square