Le Pli 134 Supplement book cover

Le Pli 134 Supplement

2014 by Mouvement francais des plieurs de papier - MFPP

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Le Pli is the quarterly newsletter of MFPP - the French Origami Association, Founded in 1978 by Jean-Claude Correia, with regular issues published since 1979.

There are 2 Origami Designs in Le Pli 134 Supplement:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Insects - Butterflies

Viviane Berty2Square

Also in CDO convention 2014
Also in Origami USA Convention 2015
Also in OrigamIsrael 2017 4th Convention
Origami Butterfly by Viviane Berty on giladorigami.com
Folded by Viviane Berty

Flora - Trees and Plants

Aurele Duda5Rectangle - Long strip