Origami Without Borders - QQM 4 book cover

Origami Without Borders - QQM 4

1982 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 10 Origami Designs in Origami Without Borders - QQM 4:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Mammals - Bovidae - Cows and Buffalo

George Rhoads5$ US Dollar Bill

Also in BOS Magazine 80
Also in BOS Magazine 329
Also in Origami USA Convention 1983
Origami Buffalo by George Rhoads. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Geometric and other shapes

Fujimoto Shuzo8Square

Also in BOS Convention 1982 Spring
Also in BOS Convention 2013 Spring
Also in BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary
Also in BOS Magazine 94
Also in BOS Magazine 298
Also in CDO convention 1982
Also in CDO convention 2008
and in other sources...
Origami Cube by Fujimoto Shuzo. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Sports car

Vehicles - Cars

Michael Steckler10Square

Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants

David Brill12Square

Also in A Arte dos Mestres de Origami by Mari Kanegae
Also in BOS Magazine 93
Also in Brilliant Origami by David Brill
Also in MFPP 1993 Convention
Also in Origami Masters: David Brill by David Brill
Origami Elephant by David Brill. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys

David Brill18Triangle

Also in AEP convention 2011
Also in Bogota Origami Convention 2015
Also in BOS Convention 1979 Spring
Also in BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary
Also in BOS Magazine 100
Also in BOS Magazine 200
Also in Brilliant Origami by David Brill
and in other sources...
Origami Horse by David Brill. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Michaelangelo's Pieta

Religion and Holidays - Christian Religion

Neal Elias22Rectangle - 1X3
Victorian girl


Tony O'Hare25Square
Snoopy head

Media and Culture


Mammals - Canidae - Dogs

Yasuhiro Sano27Square
Traction engine

Vehicles - Trains

Max Hulme28Rectangle