Arum lily Flora - Flowers | Andres Sierra | 10 | Square | |
3 point star Geometric and other shapes | Beatriz Gonzalez | 12 | Square 3 units | |
Rude (tongue) People - Anatomic parts | Alexander Oliveros Avila | 14 | Square | |
Roadrunner Birds - Cuculiformes - Roadrunner | Edwin Claudio Flores Quispe | 16 | Square | |
Cat Mammals - Felidae - Cats | Mauricio Florez Pinzon | 19 | Square | |
Mouse Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents | Edwin Claudio Flores Quispe | 22 | Square | |
Pre-Colombian mask People - Ethnicities | Andres Felipe Duque Laverde | 26 | Square | |
Joy Geometric and other shapes | Marcia Krone | 28 | Square 8 units | |
Cicada Insects | Diego Fernandez Becerra Ramirez | 30 | Square | |
Shadowfolds Twist Octagons Geometric and other shapes | Chris Palmer | 37 | Square
From fabric or paper | |
Cow Mammals - Bovidae - Cows and Buffalo | Yannick Gardin | 42 | Square
Also in Argentina Convention 2012 Also in BOS Convention 2013 Spring Also in CDO convention 2015 Also in MFPP 2013 Convention Also in Pajarita Extra 2015 |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
White terrier Mammals - Canidae - Dogs | Christophe Boudias | 44 | Square | |
Beetle Insects | Lupillo Gonzalez | 46 | Square | |
Giraffe beetle Insects | Diego Fernandez Becerra Ramirez | 49 | Square | |
Butterfly Insects - Butterflies | Yannick Gardin | 54 | Square | |
Bull Mammals - Bovidae - Cows and Buffalo | Christophe Boudias | 57 | Square | |
Kusudama Q'tal Geometric and other shapes | Diana Milena Vargas Rodriguez | 60 | Square 6 units | |
Pterodactyl skeleton Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Cretaceous - Pterosaurs | Andres Felipe Duque Laverde | 65 | Square 15 units | |
Pitohui Birds - Passeriformes | Andres Troya | 74 | Square | |