Poesie e Geometria di Carta - Poems and Paper Geometry - QQM 60 book cover

Poesie e Geometria di Carta - Poems and Paper Geometry - QQM 60

by Francesco Guarnieri

2017 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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Skill Level Intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Varies

There are 22 Origami Designs in Poesie e Geometria di Carta - Poems and Paper Geometry - QQM 60:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Flower or star 3

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri6Square
Two-colored flower

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri8Square
Rhombus flower

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri10Square
Square flower

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri14Square
Rose 2

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri19Square

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri23Octagon
Star box 2

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri27Square
Crystalline box

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri30Square
Pyramid box

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri34Square
Christmas plate

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri38Square
Dodecagonal star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri42Square
Infinite star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri46Octagon
Infinite sun

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri50Octagon
Christmas star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri55Square
8 units
Star garland

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri57Square
8 units
Garland of ducks

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri59Square
8 units
Garland of leaves

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri61Square
8 units
Garland of hearts

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri63Square
8 units
Diamond star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri66Square
5 units

Also in Geometric Origami Kit (Idiot's Guides) by Nick Robinson
Origami Diamond star by Francesco Guarnieri on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Kite star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri69Square
5 units
Star of hearts

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri73Square
5 units
Convex star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri77Square
5 units

Also in Pajarita Magazine 144
Origami Convex star by Francesco Guarnieri on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda