Quadrato Magico Magazine 131 book cover

Quadrato Magico Magazine 131

2021 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 6 Origami Designs in Quadrato Magico Magazine 131:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Star puzzle

Geometric and other shapes

Valentina Minayeva18Rectangle - 1X3
8 units
Christmas tree

Flora - Trees and Plants

Pasquale d'Auria20Rectangle - 1X3
Modular star

Geometric and other shapes

Mark W. Kennedy26Square
2 units
Artemisia star

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Guarnieri32Hexagon
Light marianne

Objects - Candles and Light

Jannie van Schuylenburg35Square

Geometric and other shapes

Rosa Laddago36Square
Multiple units