12 Months with the Unit Origami book cover

12 Months with the Unit Origami

2014 by Nippon Origami Association - NOA

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Skill Level Simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? Yes
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Modular origami

There are 24 Origami Designs in 12 Months with the Unit Origami:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Geometric and other shapes

Noriko Nagata8Rectangle - 1X4
12 units
Beautiful box

Geometric and other shapes

6 units
With cuts
Versatile kusudama

Geometric and other shapes

Aoyagi Shoko16Square
6 units
Color box

Geometric and other shapes

Mitsunobu Sonobe18Square
30 units

Also in Doctor's Origami Dream Book by Toshikazu Kawasaki
Also in The Encyclopedia of Origami Techniques by Nick Robinson
Also in Papiroflexia Basica by Vicente Palacios
Also in Origami Christmas Tree Decorations by Paul Jackson
Also in ORU Magazine 13
Also in Origami - 30 fold-by-fold projects by Paulo Mulatinho
and in other sources...
Origami Color box by Mitsunobu Sonobe on giladorigami.com
Folded by Meenakshi Mukerji
Color box

Geometric and other shapes

Kunihiko Kasahara25Square
6 units
Traditional Japanese handball

Geometric and other shapes

Ishibashi Minako28Square
12 units

Geometric and other shapes

Traditional31Rectangle - Long strip
4 units
Ball with cherry blossoms

Geometric and other shapes

Tominaga Yasuhira36Square
30 units
Cherry blossom petal-shaped plate

Geometric and other shapes

Noriko Nagata39Square
5 units
Rolling cylinder

Geometric and other shapes

Kawate Ayako44Square
12 units

Boxes and Containers

Noriko Nagata46Square
4 units

Geometric and other shapes

Ishibashi Minako50Square
2 units
Rose ball

Geometric and other shapes

Niwa Taiko52Square
6 units
Twisted star

Geometric and other shapes

Komiya Hazime58Square
5 units
Tamaya units

Geometric and other shapes

Aoyagi Shoko60Square
2 units

Clothes - Hats

Mieko Seta64Square
8 units

Flora - Flowers

Mieko Seta64Square
8 units

Geometric and other shapes

Kawate Ayako68Square
4 units
Cosmos flower ball

Geometric and other shapes

Nakamoto Yoko72Square
30 units
Decoration box

Geometric and other shapes

Lewis Simon74Square
12 units

Also in Origami El Mundo Nuevo by Kunihiko Kasahara
Also in Creative Life with Creative Origami 3 by Toshie Takahama
Also in NOA Magazine 143
Also in Pajarita Magazine 25
Also in Papiroflexia Basica by Vicente Palacios
Origami Decoration box by Lewis Simon on giladorigami.com
Folded by Francois Ziegler
Soccer ball

Geometric and other shapes

Eiji Tsuchito77Square
32 units

Geometric and other shapes

Gianna Alice84Square
6 units
Mirror ball

Geometric and other shapes

Kawate Ayako88Square
2 units
Advent wreath

Geometric and other shapes

Enomoto Nobuyoshi91Square
12 units