Gallery of POP art
Diagrams of origami models
created by POP members

- Tumbling Wing Glider by Bennett Arnstein (May 2001)
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- Cello by Joel Stern (June 2001)
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- One Strip Propeller by Joe Hamamoto (July 2001)
- Step Folds Diagrams
- Vertical Rotation Axis Paper Helicopter by Bennett Arnstein (August 2001)
- Super Jumping Frog by Yami Yamauchi (September 2001)
- Dreidel by Yami Yamauchi (November 2001)
- Page 1 Page 2 Dreidel Paper
- Christmas Tree by Yami Yamauchi (November 2001)
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- Popper by John Andrisan (November 2001)
- $ Fluttering Butterfly by John Andrisan (December 2001)
- Boomerang (March 2002)
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- Dart by John Andrisan (July 2002)
- A POP Favorite!!! Spinning Lotus by Taichiro Hasegawa (August 2002)
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- Count Quackula by Dorothy Engleman (October 2002)
- Traditional Lantern, courtesy of the British Origami Society, from "Secrets of Origami" by Robert Harbin, which POP taught at the Lantern Festival on February 22, 2003.
- Knight with Lance and Shield by Joel Stern (September 2003)
- Wallet by Laura Kruskal (October 2003)
- Traditional Chinese Gondola (May 2004)
- Airplane Glider by Michael Sanders (March 2005)