POP News

A small but hardy band of POP'ers - Joe, Bernie, Bennett, Joyce G., Joel S. and Dorothy - met on November 25, 2001 and had a simply happy time folding Anita Barbour's Simple Happy Star, Santa, and Simple Panda; Peter Budai's Elvis, the King; V'Ann Cornelius' Hold Stuff Together Thingy Belt and Sheji Yamada's Double Dimpled Pentagonal Star. Stay tuned for diagrams of Sheji's sensational model from one sheet!!!
Bennett brought Patty Paper, a wonderfully crisp, wax impregnated 5" square paper, perfect for folding
Flapping Birds by Vicente Palacios and Arthur Smith and a Flapping Goose by Mark Bolitho.
This month's Model-o-rama featured a festive display of Sheji Yamada's Stars folded by Joe; Yami Yamauchi's
Sphere of Peace with Six Hoops folded by Bennett; V'Ann Cornelius' Belt folded by Bernie; Bennett Arnstein's
Two Piece Modular Thingy; Dorothy Engleman's Piggy Pagemark and Bookmark modified from Rachel Katz' Piggy
Letterfold and Anita Barbour's Simple Happy Star, Santa and Simple Panda; Peter Budai's Elvis, the King;
Florence Temko's Penguin and Kunihiko Kasahara's Mouse folded by Dorothy.
Toot! Toot! Toot! We have three Models of the Month!
Thanks to Yami Yamauchi for two more fabulous folds:
Dreidel by Yami Yamauchi
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Christmas Tree by Yami Yamauchi
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Here's a dandy design by John Andrisan, just in time to bang in the New Year:
Popper by John Andrisan
Our next meeting is December 30th. Be there or be square!