POP News

Our July 22nd meeting featured Valerie Vann's groovy Magic Rose Cube taught by Neil and a cast of Cubeheads: Bennett, the two Joyces, Leon, Michael, Joel B., Jim, Eric and his father Sandy and Dorothy.
Dorothy showed Joyce G. Florence Temko's entertaining action toy, Wing Ding. Leon taught Randlett's Nodding
Bird to Joyce and Shari Lewis' fun Flying Fish to Eric.
Joel and Michael created "Frankenhorse" (Egads!) from a modified Montroll Horse with a Brill Head and
Michael's Tail and Neck! Joel narrated deg farrelly's storygami, "Fluttering Butterfly". And Neil showed new
folder, Jim, a Montroll elephant.
This month's Model-o-rama display included Michael and his gorgeous miniature of a butterfly and lilacs in a
Vase; Bennett's Tacit Urn and masterful modulars, abstract sculptured shapes, Yami's Sphere of Peace (with
Bennett's variation); and Neil's neato Netto Mephisto, Dama, and Medusa, Voyer's Witch, Kamiya's Unicorn and
Dan Robinson's Tree Frog with, count 'em, five rear and four front toes!!!
Our model of the month is a delightful action toy, One Strip Propeller, by our Poo-bah of Play, Joe
Step Folds
Our next meeting is August 26th. Be there or be square!