Quadrato Magico Magazine 120 book cover

Quadrato Magico Magazine 120

2018 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 7 Origami Designs in Quadrato Magico Magazine 120:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves

Joao Charrua22Rectangle - 1X2

Also in AEP convention 2015
Also in Lisbon Origami Convention 2018
Also in Origami Deutschland 2019
Origami Fox by Joao Charrua on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda

Geometric and other shapes

Antonio Criscuolo26Square
6 units

Objects - Various

Eric Gjerde31Rectangle - A size
Meissa star

Geometric and other shapes

Paolo Bascetta33Square
16 units
Angular exhibitor

Geometric and other shapes

Danilo Avaro35Square
Multiple units
Stacked cubes

Geometric and other shapes

John Montroll40Square
Barking dog

Toys - Action Models

Gadi Vishne58Square