Origami Deutschland 2019 book cover

Origami Deutschland 2019

2019 by Origami Deutschland

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There are 68 Origami Designs in Origami Deutschland 2019:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Imaginary beings - Angels

Alexander Kurth9Square

Showing you my heart


Alexander Kurth12Square

Toys - Planes

Alexander Kurth16Square


Alexander Kurth18Square
Lion dance clothes


Makoto Yamaguchi21Square
2 units

Flora - Flowers

Makoto Yamaguchi22Pentagon


Makoto Yamaguchi24Square

Also in The A to Z of Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in Folding Japan with Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in Folding Japan with Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in Folding Japan with Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in The A to Z of Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in The A to Z of Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
and in other sources...
Origami Sushi by Makoto Yamaguchi. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Tetrahedron box

Boxes and Containers

Makoto Yamaguchi26Square
2 units

Also in NOA Magazine 126
Also in Origami in English by Makoto Yamaguchi
Also in ORU Magazine 3
Origami Tetrahedron box by Makoto Yamaguchi on giladorigami.com
Folded by Fujikura Atsuo
Spinner - Makoto-koma

Toys - Action Models

Makoto Yamaguchi28Square
3 units

Also in Origami Kit for Dummies by Nick Robinson
Also in MFPP 2019 Convention
Also in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 101
Origami Spinner - Makoto-koma by Makoto Yamaguchi on giladorigami.com
Folded by Stephane Gerard
Konjevod waves

Geometric and other shapes

Robin Scholz29Square
Celtic circle

Geometric and other shapes

Robin Scholz40Hexagon
Space invaders corrugation

Geometric and other shapes

Robin Scholz48Square

Mammals - Erinaceidae - Hedgehogs

Viviane Berty50Square

Also in BOS Magazine 309
Also in Le Pli 146
Also in Ooraa OrigamiBox 2017 - Ultimate Origami Convention
Also in Origami USA Convention 2018
Also in OrigamIsrael Newsletter 42
Origami Hedgehog by Viviane Berty on giladorigami.com
Folded by Viviane Berty
Beauty and the beast

Media and Culture

Viviane Berty52Triangle
2 units

Also in CDO convention 2018
Also in MFPP 2019 Convention
Origami Beauty and the beast by Viviane Berty on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Rabbit in kimono

Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies

Viviane Berty57Rectangle - 1X2
The Little Prince

Media and Culture

Viviane Berty58Rectangle
3 units

Also in CDO convention 2019
Also in Origami USA Convention 2019
Origami The Little Prince by Viviane Berty on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda

Geometric and other shapes

Angelika Spindler63Pentagon
Simple square tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Barbara Janssen-Frank69Square
Olli star

Geometric and other shapes

Barbara Janssen-Frank72Hexagon
Octagon 3

Geometric and other shapes

Ben Goldberger75Octagon

Also in Origami Record 2019-3
Origami Octagon 3 by Ben Goldberger on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Brachiosaurus skeleton

Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Jurassic - Jurassic Dinosaurs

Bodo Haag76Square

Crease pattern

Geometric and other shapes

Carmen Sprung78Rectangle - 1X2
7 units
Hydrangea on hydrangea

Geometric and other shapes

Chantal Pixley81Square
Stars and snowflakes

Geometric and other shapes

Christine Blasek (Kalami)88Rectangle
Multiple units
Origami Deutschland logo


Daniel Chang92Rectangle - 1X2

Geometric and other shapes

Dasa Severova95Square
16 units
Triangle star

Geometric and other shapes

Dirk Eisner97Triangle
6 units
Kreuztaler star

Geometric and other shapes

Dirk Eisner98Hexagon

Mammals - Primates

Enrique Martinez100Square

Also in AEP convention 2017
Also in OrigamIsrael Newsletter 31
Origami Monkey by Enrique Martinez. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Geometric and other shapes

Francesco Mancini104Rectangle - A size
30 units
Baby dragon

Imaginary beings - Dragons

Gregor Muller107Square

Vehicles - Airplanes

Hadi Tahir113Square

Also in AEP convention 2019
Also in Origami Vehicles by Hadi Tahir
Origami Airplane by Hadi Tahir on giladorigami.com
Folded by Hadi Tahir
Donkey letter

Letters and Envelopes

Helga Labs114Rectangle
Wings letter

Letters and Envelopes

Helga Labs116Rectangle
Froebel star blossom

Geometric and other shapes

Helga Mayer118Rectangle - Long strip
4 units

Boxes and Containers

Helga Mayer119Square


Herdy Soepono120Square

Mammals - Canidae - Dogs

Jens Kober121Square
Dragon in flight

Imaginary beings - Dragons

Jens-Helge Dahmen124Square


Jens-Helge Dahmen126Square
Sundrop flower

Flora - Flowers

Jesus Artigas128Square

Also in Origami USA Convention 2023
Also in Korea Origami Convention 2019
Origami Sundrop flower by Jesus Artigas on giladorigami.com
Folded by Wilson Yeung

Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves

Joao Charrua131Rectangle - 1X2

Also in AEP convention 2015
Also in Lisbon Origami Convention 2018
Also in Quadrato Magico Magazine 120
Origami Fox by Joao Charrua on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Buzzsaw star

Geometric and other shapes

Jose Meeusen (Krooshoop)135Square
8 units
Baby elephant

Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants

Javier Vivanco137Square
Twirls - Cabril Varziela

Geometric and other shapes

Krystyna Burczyk139Square
90 units

Birds - Strigiformes - Owls

Lauritz Kramberger141Square
Cat - walking

Mammals - Felidae - Cats

Lee Armstrong146Square

Also in BOS Convention 2018 Spring
Also in Cats in Origami by Nick Robinson
Also in Christmas Origami Book 2017
Origami Cat - walking by Lee Armstrong on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Four mice

Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents

Lisa Nguyen Quang Do148Square

Birds - Strigiformes - Owls

Marc Vigo Anglada150Square

Also in BOS Convention 2018 Autumn
Also in Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-37
Also in OrigamIsrael 2019 6th Convention
Also in Pajarita Magazine 143
Also in Tinkering With Folds by Marc Vigo Anglada
Origami Owl by Marc Vigo Anglada on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Helga star

Geometric and other shapes

Maria Sinayskaya153Square
8 units

Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies

Michael G. LaFosse156Square

Also in LaFosse and Alexander's Essential Book of Origami by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander
Also in Ultimate Origami for Beginners by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander

Dim Sum Bun
Origami Bunny by Michael G. LaFosse. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Ridges corrugation

Geometric and other shapes

Michal Kosmulski157Square
John lackland tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Michal Kosmulski158Square
3 pyramids letterfold

Letters and Envelopes

Michel Grand and Christophe Curat160Rectangle
Snowy peaks

Letters and Envelopes

Michel Grand and Christophe Curat162Rectangle
New Year's eve star

Geometric and other shapes

Natalia Guzowska165HexagonOrigami New Year
Folded by Natalia Guzowska
Arctic fox

Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves

Oriol Esteve169Square

Also in Bogota Origami Convention 2019
Also in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 164
Also in OrigaMIT 2018 Convention Book
Also in Pajarita Extra 2020 - Our Authors 2
Also in Stop Thinking, Start Folding by Oriol Esteve
Origami Arctic fox by Oriol Esteve on giladorigami.com
Folded by Hiroaki Kobayashi

Clothes - Clothing Accessories

Oriol Esteve176Square


Paula Versnick177Square

Also in MFPP 2009 Convention
Also in Origami Made in Holland by Paula Versnick
Also in MFPP 2009 Convention
Also in Origami Made in Holland by Paula Versnick
Also in BOS Convention 2007
Also in FUNcon FUNdraiser 2020 Lucky Packet
and in other sources...
Origami 30 by Paula Versnick on giladorigami.com
Folded by BOS 2007 convention exhibitor


Peter Stein178Rectangle - 1X2
Defras kaviani

Geometric and other shapes

Reza Sarvi180Square
Tema's bird

Birds - Passeriformes

Rui Roda186Square

Also in Bogota Origami Convention 2022
Also in BOS Convention 2019 Autumn
Also in Lisbon Origami Convention 2018
Origami Tema
Folded by Rui Roda
Cat mask

Mammals - Felidae - Cats

Sebastien Limet (Sebl)188Square
Bird bowl

Boxes and Containers

Sigrid Fuhrmann190Square
Radioactive ball

Geometric and other shapes

Tung Ken Lam191Circle
8 units
Photo frame

Objects - Frames

Ulrike Krallmann-Wenzel193Rectangle
4 units
Sky scraper kusudama

Geometric and other shapes

Usman Rosyidhi195Square
30 units

Also in BOS Convention 2018 Autumn
Also in Korea Origami Convention 2018
Also in Olympiad 2018 - Round 2
Origami Sky scraper kusudama by Usman Rosyidhi on giladorigami.com
Folded by PAN Hang

Vehicles - Spacecrafts

Yara Yagi198Square
3 units

Also in AEP convention 2018
Also in BOS Convention 2018 Autumn
Also in CDO convention 2018
Also in Origami USA Convention 2017
Also in Polish Outdoor Origami Meeting 2016
Origami Rocket by Yara Yagi on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda