12-piece carousel Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 22 | Square 8 units | |
3D magic star Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 52 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
3-piece square spinner Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 42 | Square 3 units | |
3-piece trihexaflexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 16 | Rectangle - 1X2 3 units | |
45 degree rhombohedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 345 | 24 | Square 6 units | |
4-piece harlequin star Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 4 | Square 4 units | |
Arrow Symbols | Tung Ken Lam | Classic Origami by Paul Jackson (read full review)
| 52 | Square | |
Beak unit Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 48 | Square 12 units | |
Beak unit Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Bogota Origami Convention 2019
| 250 | Square | |
Beak unit Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | The Paper Magazine 130 | 22 | Square 12 units | |
Blintz icosahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 98 | 26 | Square 30 units | |
Blintz icosidodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2000 Autumn | 55 | Square 30 units | |
Blintz icosidodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | MFPP 2001 Convention | 91 | Square 30 units | |
Blintz icosidodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Planar Modular Origami by David Petty
| 10 | Square 30 units | |
Blintz icosidodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 111 | Square 30 units | |
Blintz icosidodecahedron decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80 (read full review)
| 45 | Square 30 units | |
Boat unit 5 pentagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 56 | Rectangle - A size 5 units | |
Boat unit 6 hexagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 57 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Boat unit 7 heptagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 58 | Rectangle 7 units | |
Braided cube Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2010 | 127 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Card cube Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 42 | Rectangle 12 units | |
Caterpillar Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 87 | Square Multiple units | |
Collapsoid Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 66 | Rectangle - A size 30 units | |
Cube from thirds Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 283 | 14 | Square 12 units | |
Cube-regular dodecahedron Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 73 | Rectangle - A size 9 units | |
Decagon ring Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 30 | Square 10 units | |
Decagon ring Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 65 | Square 10 units | |
Double equilateral triangle unit Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 68 | Square Multiple units | |
Double octagonal star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 138 139 | 42 | Square 6 units | |
Double skew tetrahedra Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 26 | Square 10 units | |
Easter chick Letters and Envelopes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 135 | 38 | Square | |
Face People | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 114 | Square | |
Flexicuboctahedron Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 68 | Square 9 units | |
Flipper fiddler flexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 98 | 29 | Square 2 units With cuts | |
Flipper or fiddler flexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2008 Spring | 107 | Square With cuts | |
Floppy slider 6 Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 100 | Square 8 units | |
Floppy slider 8 Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 99 | Square 8 units | |
Fluxicube Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 39 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Four cube flexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 36 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Four square flexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 35 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Greek cross tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Bogota Origami Convention 2019
| 252 | Square Multiple units | |
Greek cross tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Christmas Origami Book 2016 | 157 | Square Multiple units | |
Handshake star 6 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 78 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Handshake wreath 8 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 66 | Square 8 units | |
Hexagonal slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 10 | Square 6 units | |
Hook and roll wreath 8 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 67 | Square 8 units | |
Icosahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2005 Autumn | | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Icosahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2010 | 123 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Intersecting squares Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 89 | Square 8 units | |
Jacob's ladder Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 33 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 58 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Bogota Origami Convention 2019
| 253 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 203
| 14 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | MFPP 2001 Convention | 89 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 110 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Origami USA Convention 2019
| 132 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 98 | 25 | Square 12 units | |
Jitterbug Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | MFPP 2001 Convention | 90 | Square 20 units |  Folded by Francesco Mancini |
Kite wheel 10 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 64 | Rectangle - A size 10 units | |
Magic star - spiral version Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 2 | Square 8 units | |
Magic star variations Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2007
| | Square 8 units | |
Magic wallet Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 30 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Maple leaf tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Christmas Origami Book 2016 | 158 | Square Multiple units | |
Medallion star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2002 Autumn | 49 | Square 8 units | |
Medallion star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 218 | 22 | Square 8 units | |
Medallion star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 85 | Square 8 units | |
Multiform flipper Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 24 | Rectangle - 1X4 4 units | |
Octa slider 3D wheel Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 54 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Octagon waterwheel Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 50 | Rectangle - 1X2 8 units | |
Octagonal star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 138 139 | 43 | Square 8 units | |
Octagram paper cup - kite wheel Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 63 | Square 8 units | |
Octagram slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 98 | Rectangle - 1X2 8 units | |
Octagram wreath Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 62 | Rectangle - 1X2 8 units | |
Octahedral cross Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami A-B-C by David Petty
| 112 | Square 12 units | |
Octahedral cross Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Planar Modular Origami by David Petty
| 9 | Square 12 units | |
Octahedral crosses revisited Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 177 | Square 12 units | |
Octahedron skeleton Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2010 | 124 | Rectangle 12 units | |
Pentagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2002 Autumn | 48 | Square 5 units | |
Pentagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 218 | 23 | Square 5 units | |
Pentagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 34 | Square 5 units | |
Pentagram Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 76 | Square 5 units | |
Petrie-coxeter honeycomb Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 61 | Square 9 units | |
Pierced Icosahedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2010 | 126 | Rectangle 12 units | |
Pinwheel cube Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 52 | Square 6 units | |
Pinwheel square 3D slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 96 | Square 4 units | |
Pinwheel square slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 95 | Square 4 units | |
Poly diag star 5 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 54 | Rectangle 5 units | |
Poly diag star 6 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 53 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Poly diag star 8 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 55 | Rectangle 8 units | |
Puffy 10-point star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2004 Spring | 13 | Rectangle - A size 10 units | |
Puffy ten-pointed star decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80 (read full review)
| 46 | Rectangle - A size 10 units | |
Puffy ten-pointed star decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 98 | 30 | Rectangle - A size 10 units | |
Quilt star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 90 | Square 8 units | |
Radioactive ball Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 56 | Circle 8 units | |
Radioactive ball Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Bogota Origami Convention 2019
| 256 | Circle 8 units | |
Radioactive ball Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | MFPP 2019 Convention | 126 | Circle 8 units | |
Radioactive ball Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami Deutschland 2019 | 191 | Circle 8 units | |
Ribbon slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 12 | Square 8 units | |
Ring or waterwheel Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2005 Spring - Nottingham | 12 | Rectangle 8 units | |
Rotating octagram ring Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 20 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Schoolboy head People | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 136 | 16 | Square | |
Shaky shuriken slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 6 | Square 4 units | |
Silver star 7 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 74 | Rectangle - A size 7 units | |
Simple structures Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Sticky Note Origami by David Mitchell
| 93 | Square 3 units | |
Six cube flexagon Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 38 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Six symmetrical prisms Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 58 | Square 12 units | |
Skeletal cube-rhombic dodecahedron Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 71 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Skeletal cuboctahedron decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80 (read full review)
| 48 | Square 12 units | |
Skeletal cuboctohedron Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 2006 Autumn | | Rectangle 6 units | |
Skeletal octahedron Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 44 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Slider N 5 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2022 | 194 | Square 5 units | |
Slider N 5 Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 103 | Square 5 units | |
Slider N 6 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2022 | 195 | Square 6 units | |
Slider N 6 Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 102 | Square 6 units | |
Slider N 8 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2022 | 196 | Square 8 units | |
Slider N 8 Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 101 | Square 8 units | |
Spiral cube Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 46 | Square 24 units | |
Square growing Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 224 | Square | |
Square pointed slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 94 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Square slider Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 8 | Square 4 units | |
Star Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 283 | 13 | Rectangle 5 units | |
Star 3, square from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 73 | Rectangle - A size 3 units | |
Star 4 leftover wrap Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 81 | Rectangle 4 units | |
Star 4 slider, square silver from rectangle Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 93 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Star 4, kite from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 79 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Star 4, square from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 46 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Star 5 from half silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 80 | Rectangle 5 units | |
Star 5, 3 by 4 from square Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 51 | Square 5 units | |
Star 5, 5 by 6 from square blintz Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 52 | Square 5 units | |
Star 6 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 75 | Square 6 units | |
Star 6 bronze triangle wheel Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 88 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Star 6 bronze wrap Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 82 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Star 6 fancy wrap Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 86 | Square 6 units | |
Star 6, bronze rectangle from square Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 77 | Square 6 units | |
Star 6, equilateral triangle from rectanle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 87 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Star 6, square from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 48 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Star 7, square from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 50 | Rectangle - A size 7 units | |
Star 8 leftover wrap 22.5 degrees Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 84 | Rectangle 8 units | |
Star 8 leftover wrap 45 degrees Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 83 | Rectangle 8 units | |
Star 8 octad Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 68 | Square 8 units | |
Star ball Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Folding Australia 2022 | 56 | Rectangle 6 units | |
Star ball Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 107 | Rectangle 30 units | |
Star octagon Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 347 | 10 | Square 8 units | |
Star wheel Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami USA Convention 2024
| 105 | Square 6 units | |
Starburst 6 Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 71 | Square 6 units | |
Starburst 8 60 degrees Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 70 | Square 8 units | |
Starburst 8 octad Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 69 | Square 8 units | |
Starfish Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 32 | Rectangle - A size 5 units | |
Starfish Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 105 | Rectangle - A size 5 units | |
Swirl 10, square from silver rectangle Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 60 | Rectangle - A size 10 units | |
Three four dodecahedron squares Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 91 | Square 3 units | |
Twelve-piece carousel Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 99 | Square 12 units | |
Upsidedown face People | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Convention 1990 Spring | 33 | Square | |
Waterwheel decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80 (read full review)
| 47 | Rectangle - 1X2 8 units | |
Wheel Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | CDO convention 2010 | 120 | Rectangle 8 units | |
Windowed icosahedron and snub series Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 62 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
Windowed Icosahedron and snub series decoration Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80 (read full review)
| 50 | Rectangle 12 units | |
Wobbling wall Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 40 | Rectangle Multiple units | |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Bogota Origami Convention 2019
| 258 | Square 12 units | |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | MFPP 2019 Convention | 128 | Square 12 units | |
WXYZ Toys - Action Models | Tung Ken Lam | Action Modular Origami: to intrigue and delight by Tung Ken Lam

| 46 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | BOS Magazine 208 | 15 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Geometric Origami: The Art of Modular Paper Sculpture by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander
| 40 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Modular Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 36 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Origami A-B-C by David Petty
| 109 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Planar Modular Origami by David Petty
| 10 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 109 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
WXYZ module Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Quadrato Magico Magazine 98 | 27 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
XYZ rhombic Geometric and other shapes | Tung Ken Lam | Star Origami by Tung Ken Lam
| 106 | Rectangle - 1X2 6 units | |