Origami Kit for Dummies book cover

Origami Kit for Dummies

by Nick Robinson

2008 by Wiley

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Skill Level From simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Most are

Overall Impression

This book is fun! Nick Robinson brings his passion and sense of humor to this work, which, other than containing dozens of models to fold, many of which are new or hard to find, also reads like a book, with the author's notes, tips and anecdotes about the art.

It comes with a pack of paper for folding, although, at least in the US edition, this isn't the typical origami paper, but paper with the same color on both sides.

The book opens with an introduction to origami, discussing folding materials and tools, followed by a detailed explanation of the basic symbols. Next is an examination of different methods for drawing diagrams, some creativity tips, and a touch of copyright issues, important these days.

Despite being designated as a book for beginners, the diagram section avoids the traditional models usually included with such books (in fact, the crane depicted on the cover is not in the book!) instead choosing to introduce more modern creations, moving from the simplest there can be to intermediate-level models. I like the selection of models, as many of them are fun and humorous, and they show a wide variety of folding techniques. It would have been better to have the text of the diagrams displayed next to to the drawings instead of on separate pages, but Robinson's diagrams are usually clear enough to suffice.

The book ends with a flavorful "Top Ten" section, with tips and some more information about origami and about some influential origami artists.

I would recommend this book as a great introduction for beginners, and a fun read for everyone who loves the art.

There are 75 Origami Designs in Origami Kit for Dummies:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Birds - Anseriformes - Ducks and Geese

Nick Robinson43Square

A variation on a traditional model
Nick's fish base mask

Toys - Puppets

Nick Robinson52Square
Black sheep down a mine


Nick Robinson70Square

Simpler than it sounds.
Sheep during winter


Nick Robinson70Square

Even simpler
Slightly seasick


Nick Robinson71Square
The horizon


Nick Robinson71Square

Vehicles - Boats

Nick Robinson72Square

Flora - Flowers

Nick Robinson73Square
Tyrannosaurus head

Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Cretaceous - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Nick Robinson74Square

Also in Super Quick Origami Animals by Nick Robinson
Also in Fold with Feeling by Nick Robinson

Origami Tyrannosaurus head by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson


Nick Robinson75Square

Also in Fold with Feeling by Nick Robinson
Origami Bookmark by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
3D star

Geometric and other shapes

Rachel Katz77Square
5 units
Origami 3D star by Rachel Katz on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
Coin trick

Toys - Action Models

Nick Robinson79Rectangle - 1X2
Japanese schoolgirl


Nick Robinson81Square
Three crease head


Paul Jackson83Square

Nice and simple
Origami Three crease head by Paul Jackson. Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Dunce's cap

Clothes - Hats

Nick Robinson84Square

With an extra square for a "D"

Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants

Mike Dilkes87Square

Nice and simple
Origami Miniphant by Mike Dilkes on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Elephant head

Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants

Nick Robinson89Square


Steven Casey92Square

Also in BOS Convention 1986 Spring

Nice color-change
Origami Shell by Steven Casey. Folded from a square of duo origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of duo origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Butterfly - Thoki's

Insects - Butterflies

Thoki Yenn96Square

Also in PCOC 2005 - PCOC Play
Also in World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson
Origami Butterfly - Thoki's by Thoki Yenn. Each folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Each folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni
Butterfly - Boaz's

Insects - Butterflies

Boaz Shuval97Square

Also in PCOC 2005 - PCOC Play
Also in World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson
Origami Butterfly - Boaz's by Boaz Shuval. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Toys - Planes

Nick Robinson99Square

Also in Origami in Motion by Nick Robinson
Origami Triplane by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson

Birds - Galliformes - Hens and Pheasants

Kunihiko Kasahara102Square

Also in Cute! Cool! Beautiful! Animal Origami Book by Kunihiko Kasahara
Also in Origami Vol. 1 by Kunihiko Kasahara
Origami Chick by Kunihiko Kasahara on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Fishy sequence

Toys - Action Models

Nick Robinson105Square

A fold changing from a fish to aliens and to a butterfly


Steven Casey107Square
Biscuit packet closure

Objects - Useful

Edwin Corrie109Square
A fishy tale

Toys - Action Models

Michel Grand110Square

Origami A fishy tale by Michel Grand on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Fox's head

Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves

Wayne Brown112Square

Letters and Envelopes

Doris Lauinger114SquareOrigami Envelope by Doris Lauinger on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Ali's dish 2

Boxes and Containers

Nick Robinson116Square

Also in BOS Convention 2008 Autumn
Also in Origami Worldwide by John Montroll and Brian K. Webb
Origami Ali's dish 2 by Nick Robinson. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Pureland figure


Marc Kirschenbaum119Square

Also in BOS Magazine 233
Also in Creative Origami Kit by Marc Kirschenbaum
Origami Pureland figure by Marc Kirschenbaum on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Sailboat envelope

Letters and Envelopes

Michael G. LaFosse121Square

Also in Origami USA Convention 2000
Also in CDO convention 2001
Also in Folding Australia 2007
Also in Japanese Paper Crafting by Michael G. LaFosse
Also in Making Origami Vehicles Step by Step by Michael G. LaFosse
Also in Origami Gift Cards by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander
Origami Sailboat envelope by Michael G. LaFosse on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand

Imaginary beings - Vampires

Robin Glynn123Square

Also in The Art of London Origami
Origami Dracula by Robin Glynn on giladorigami.com
Folded by Robin Glynn
Lazy winston

Boxes and Containers

Nick Robinson125Square

A 3-compartment version of Lazy Susan
Origami Lazy winston by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca

Birds - Galliformes - Hens and Pheasants

Tony O'Hare128Square

Objects - Furniture

John Montroll131Square

Also in Storytime Origami by John Montroll
Origami Chair by John Montroll on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
Jaws fin

Fish - Sharks

Nick Robinson135SquareOrigami Jaws fin by Nick Robinson. Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni

Vehicles - Boats

Martin Wall137Square

Also in CDO convention 1996
Also in Le Pli 115-116
Also in Martin Wall - Early Works - BOS booklet 12 by Martin Wall
Also in NOA Magazine 70
Also in Pajarita Especial 1985 - Pliar 85
Also in Pajarita Extra 1985 - Museo Imaginario
and in other sources...
Origami Boat by Martin Wall on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca

Boxes and Containers

Nick Robinson140Square

Also in The Origami Bible by Nick Robinson
Origami Container by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Lou Pearson
Face envelope

Letters and Envelopes

Michel Grand142SquareOrigami Face envelope by Michel Grand on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Mystery object

Objects - Useful

Nick Robinson145Square

Flora - Flowers


Also in Atlas de l'Origami
Also in BOS Convention 2011 Autumn
Also in Origami Anywhere by Nick Robinson
Also in Beginning Origami by Vicente Palacios
Also in NOA Magazine 277
Also in NOA Magazine 541
and in other sources...
Origami Bluebell by Traditional on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Shining heart


Nick Robinson150Square

Also in BOS Convention 1996 Spring
Also in Origami with Love by Nick Robinson

The heart is seen when model is against the light
Origami Shining heart by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Tulip bowl

Boxes and Containers

Peter Borcherds153Square

Also in BOS Magazine 306
Origami Tulip bowl by Peter Borcherds on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
Little Nicky

Toys - Planes

Nick Robinson155SquareOrigami Little Nicky by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Spinning top

Toys - Action Models

Makoto Yamaguchi157Square
3 units

Also in Origami Deutschland 2019
Also in MFPP 2019 Convention
Also in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 101
Origami Spinning top by Makoto Yamaguchi on giladorigami.com
Folded by Stephane Gerard
Flood bowl

Boxes and Containers

Nick Robinson161Square

Also in AEP convention 2009
Also in Bogota Origami Convention 2013
Origami Flood bowl by Nick Robinson. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Flapping bird

Toys - Action Models


Also in Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners by Maying Soong
Also in Origami Playtime - Animals by Enomoto Nobuyoshi
Also in Absolute Beginner's Origami by Nick Robinson
Also in Action Origami by Tomoko Fuse
Also in Classic Origami by Paul Jackson
Also in Complete Origami by Eric Kenneway
Also in Creased Magazine 6
and in other sources...
Origami Flapping bird by Traditional on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Objects - Various

Nick Robinson166Square

Boat too late to save a drowning witch
Origami Droodle by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand

Boxes and Containers

Gay Merrill Gross168Square

Also in BOS Convention 2007
Also in Korea Origami Convention 2007
Also in Origami USA Convention 2006
Origami Vase by Gay Merrill Gross on giladorigami.com
Folded by Wilson Yeung


Eric Kenneway172SquareOrigami Hearts by Eric Kenneway on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Lazy Susan

Boxes and Containers


Also in NOA Magazine 163
Also in NOA Magazine 502
Also in Classic Origami by Paul Jackson
Also in Origami Boxes by Florence Temko
Also in Creative Life with Creative Origami 2 by Toshie Takahama
Also in Le Pli 1
Also in Le Pli 7-8
and in other sources...
Origami Lazy Susan by Traditional on giladorigami.com
Folded by Lou Pearson
Four thirsty birds


David Lister177Square

Also in Origami USA Convention 1998
Also in A Tribute to David Lister
Also in Le Pli 129
Also in Origami Boxes by Florence Temko
Origami Four thirsty birds by David Lister on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca


Robert Neale179Rectangle - 1X2

Also in Origami with Love by Nick Robinson
Also in British Origami Publication Compilation 2016
Also in CDO convention 1982
Also in Which Came First? - BOS booklet 68 by Robert Neale

Very nice pop-up action
Origami Lovebirds by Robert Neale. Folded from a rectangle of duo origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a rectangle of duo origami paper by Gilad Aharoni


Anita F. Barbour181SquareOrigami Dragonfly by Anita F. Barbour on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson


Robert J. Lang183SquareOrigami Snail by Robert J. Lang on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
For dummies man

Media and Culture

Nick Robinson187Square

Also available on Youtube
Origami For dummies man by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Modular star

Geometric and other shapes

Nick Robinson192Square
4 units

Also in BOS Convention 1989 Spring
Also in Origami USA Convention 1993

From 4 (or 5) squares
Origami Modular star by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca

Geometric and other shapes

Nick Robinson194Square

Also in BOS Magazine 253
Also in MFPP 2004 Convention
Also in One Dozen Folds by Nick Robinson
Origami Hexahedron by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson

Geometric and other shapes

Edwin Corrie196SquareOrigami Emblem by Edwin Corrie on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
60 degree star

Geometric and other shapes

David Petty198Square
6 units

Also in Origami A-B-C by David Petty
Also in BOS Magazine 213
Also in Orison 21/06
Origami 60 degree star by David Petty on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
Gomez bowl

Boxes and Containers

Nick Robinson201Square
Pentagonal star

Geometric and other shapes

David Brill204Square
5 units

Also in Quadrato Magico Magazine 16
Origami Pentagonal star by David Brill on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Fluted module

Geometric and other shapes

Rocky Jardes207Square
6 units

Also in BOS Magazine 143
Origami Fluted module by Rocky Jardes on giladorigami.com
Folded by Malachi Brown


Wayne Brown210SquareOrigami House by Wayne Brown. Folded from a rectangle of scrapbooking paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a rectangle of scrapbooking paper by Gilad Aharoni



Also in Beginner Origami by Yoshihide Momotani
Also in Bugagami by Jeffrey Rutzky
Also in Complete Origami by Eric Kenneway
Also in Creating Origami by J.C. Nolan
Also in Creative Life with Creative Origami 1 by Toshie Takahama
Also in Difficult Origami by Chris Alexander
Also in Doctor's Origami Dream Book by Toshikazu Kawasaki
and in other sources...
Origami Frog by Traditional. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Frog - Chinese


Roman Diaz218Square

Also in CDO convention 2007
Also in Der Falter 45
Also in Origami Essence by Roman Diaz
Also in Orison 25/01
Origami Frog - Chinese by Roman Diaz. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Imaginary beings - Dragons

Eric Joisel221Square

Also in Creased Magazine 7
Also in Eric Joisel - Le Pli magazine by Eric Joisel
Also in Le Pli 118-119-120
Also in MFPP 1997 Convention
Also in Origami Deutschland 1998
Also in Origami USA Convention 2008
and in other sources...
Origami Dragon by Eric Joisel. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Twist flower

Flora - Flowers

Yoshihide Momotani224Square
Twist decoration

Geometric and other shapes

Jeff Beynon226SquareOrigami Twist decoration by Jeff Beynon on giladorigami.com
Folded by Michel Grand
Four-compartment box

Boxes and Containers

Philip Shen230Square

Also in Origami El Mundo Nuevo by Kunihiko Kasahara
Also in BOS Convention 1982 Spring
Origami Four-compartment box by Philip Shen on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rebecca
Dog - pooping

Mammals - Canidae - Dogs

Luis Fernandez Perez234Square
2 units

Also in BOS Convention 1985 Spring
Also in Dogs in Origami by Nick Robinson
Also in Le Pli 28
Also in Le Pli 57
Also in Pajarita Extra 2007 - Luis Fernandez by Luis Fernandez Perez
Also in Pajarita Magazine 11
and in other sources...

Very nice! Gets great reactions... Requires an extra, small piece of paper
Origami Dog - pooping by Luis Fernandez Perez. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni
Santa Claus

Religion and Holidays - Christmas and Santa Claus

Ted Norminton238Square

Also in BOS Convention 2019 Autumn
Also in BOS Magazine 223
Also in Sink or Swim by Ted Norminton
Also in The Origami Collection 2
Origami Santa Claus by Ted Norminton. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni

Media and Culture

Max Hulme242SquareOrigami Aladdin by Max Hulme. Folded from a square of patterned origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of patterned origami paper by Gilad Aharoni


Grzegorz Bubniak246Square

Also in BOS Convention 2006 Spring - Leicester
Also in Le Pli 109
Also in Origami: Step by Step to Amazing Paper Models by Ondrej E. Cibulka
Origami Beetle by Grzegorz Bubniak on giladorigami.com
Folded by Grzegorz Bubniak

Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents

Guspath Go249Square

Also in BOS Magazine 230

Very nice, with a clever lock
Origami Mouse by Guspath Go. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni