3-piece 3D flexagon Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1981 Spring | 36 | Rectangle - 1X2 3 units | |
5 squares Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | As the Memories in Germany by Kunihiko Kasahara | 12 | Square | |
Before the Big Bang Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Extreme Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara
| 13 | Circle With cuts |  Folded by Marjan Smeijsters |
Box - inside outside puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1987 Spring
| 19 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Box - inside outside puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | The New Origami by Steve and Megumi Biddle (read full review)
| 56 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Box with lid Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | CDO convention 1997 | 124 | Rectangle 2 units | |
Box-in-box puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | Full Box (Origami Wonderland 3) by Tomoko Fuse
| 74 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Bracelet or napkin holder Rings | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1981 Autumn | 18 | Square | |
Bunny Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | As the Memories in Germany by Kunihiko Kasahara | 9 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Bunny Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | Wonderful Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara (read full review)
| 120 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Butterfly Insects - Butterflies | Thoki Yenn | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 183 | Square |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Butterfly - Thoki's Insects - Butterflies | Thoki Yenn | Origami Kit for Dummies by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 96 | Square |  Each folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Chair Objects - Furniture | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 22 | Rectangle - A size | |
Corner box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 58 | Rectangle - A size | |
Crossed box-pleat Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 0 | 12 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Crossed box-pleat Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 50 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Crossed box-pleat Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Origami - 30 fold-by-fold projects by Paulo Mulatinho (read full review)
| 10 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Crossed box-pleat Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 10 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Crossed box-pleat Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orison 19/01 | 6 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Cube corner Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 56 | Square | |
Cube corner Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 18 | Square | |
Cube fruit Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | As the Memories in Germany by Kunihiko Kasahara | 11 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Cube fruit Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 12 | Square |  Folded by Rebecca |
Cube fruit Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Wonderful Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara (read full review)
| 148 | Square
A cube with leaves… |  Folded by Rebecca |
Cube octahedron Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 99 | 16 | Square | |
Cube with hexagonal cross-section Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 59 | Square | |
Cubes in half cube Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | CDO convention 2005 | 164 | Square Multiple units | |
Diabolic frame Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 42 | Rectangle | |
Diabolic frame Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | Le Pli 59 | 6 | Rectangle | |
Difficult Easy Chair Objects - Furniture | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1987 Spring
| 21 | Rectangle - A size | |
Difficult Easy Chair Objects - Furniture | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 183 | 36 | Rectangle - A size | |
Difficult easy chair Objects - Furniture | Thoki Yenn | MFPP 1990 Convention | 2 | Rectangle - A size | |
Displaced half-cube Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 15 | Rectangle - A size | |
DNA - 4 molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 142 | 30 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA - 4 molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | Encyclopedia of Origami for Children and Adults by Sergei Afonkin and Elena Afonkina (read full review)
| 203 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA - 4 molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | Let's Fold Spirals by Tomoko Fuse
| 30 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA - 4 molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | Quadrato Magico Magazine 27 | 48 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA 4-molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 2 | 2 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | MFPP 1990 Convention | 5 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA molecule Nature | Thoki Yenn | Quadrato Magico Magazine 74 | 31 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
DNA strand Nature | Thoki Yenn | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 213 | Rectangle - A size |  Folded from A4 typing paper for my biologist wife's birthday by Gilad Aharoni |
Dog - nodding Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | Pajarita Magazine 41 | 5 | Square 2 units |  Folded by Francois Ziegler |
Envelope Letters and Envelopes | Thoki Yenn | Quadrato Magico Magazine 17 | 30 | Rectangle | |
Filing box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 90 | 19 | Square | |
Fish Fish | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 105 | 4 | Square | |
Fish Fish | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 8 | Square | |
Fish Fish | Thoki Yenn | Le Pli 42 | 10 | Square | |
Flexagon Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 89 | 33 | Rectangle - 1X2 3 units | |
Flexagon Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | Origami Superstars - QQM 3 | 10 | Rectangle - 1X2 3 units | |
Flip-Flop Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 2000 Autumn | 80 | Rectangle |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Flip-Flop Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 225 | 30 | Rectangle - 1X4 |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Flip-Flop Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | Papiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)
| 130 | Rectangle - 1X4
A challenging toy |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Flower Flora - Flowers | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 51 | Square | |
Flower one and two Flora - Flowers | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 1 | 8 | Square | |
Flower one and two Flora - Flowers | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 11 | Square | |
Frisbee or bowl Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1985 Spring | 3 | Square | |
Fujimoto hexagonal box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 4 | 6 | Rectangle - A size | |
Gargoyle Imaginary beings | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1987 Spring
| 22 | Rectangle - A size | |
Gargoyle Imaginary beings | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 31 | Rectangle - A size | |
Half cube Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 105 | 6 | Rectangle - A size | |
Half cube skin Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | CDO convention 1993 | 115 | Square | |
Half cube skin Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 3 | 13 | Square | |
Half cube skin Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 13 | Square | |
Half pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 27 | Rectangle - A size | |
Half tetrahedron Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 20 | Rectangle - A size | |
Hare Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | Origami - 30 fold-by-fold projects by Paulo Mulatinho (read full review)
| 30 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Hexagonal bissectioned cube Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 28 | Square | |
Hex-envelope Letters and Envelopes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1988 Spring | 31 | Rectangle - A size | |
Hex-envelope Letters and Envelopes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1996 Spring | 49 | Rectangle - A size | |
Hex-envelope Letters and Envelopes | Thoki Yenn | Le Pli 42 | 11 | Rectangle - A size | |
Impossible rectangles Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | 4 Esquinas Magazine 25 | 27 | Rectangle 6 units
Umulius Rectangulum |  Folded by Phillip West |
Impossible rectangles Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Personal Collection | 1089 | Rectangle 6 units
Umulius Rectangulum |  Folded by Phillip West |
Inside out box Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 2002 Spring | 74 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Inside-outside box Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 46 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Inside-outside box Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | MFPP 1990 Convention | 3 | Rectangle - A size | |
Inside-outside box Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | Quadrato Magico Magazine 74 | 33 | Rectangle - A size 4 units | |
Keel lid Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 104 | 29 | Square | |
Magic rings Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 29 | Rectangle 4 units | |
Memo holder Objects - Useful | Thoki Yenn | Dutch Origami Convention 1992 Lunteren | 11 | Square | |
Nodding dog Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | Papiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)
| 29 | Square 2 units
Cute |  Folded by Francois Ziegler |
Nut basket Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1986 Spring | 39 | Rectangle | |
Nut basket Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 211 | 14 | Rectangle - A size | |
Object Objects - Various | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 6 | 13 | Square | |
Object Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Origami - 30 fold-by-fold projects by Paulo Mulatinho (read full review)
| 23 | Square
An abstract object | |
Paper napkin box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1984 Autumn | 18 | Square | |
Parallelepipedum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | 4 Esquinas Magazine 25 | 29 | Rectangle - A size | |
Parallelepipedum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 60 | Rectangle - A size | |
Parallelepipedum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Papiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)
| 114 | Rectangle - A size | |
Parallelpiped Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1984 Autumn | 18 | Rectangle | |
Parallelpiped Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1984 Autumn | 19 | Rectangle - 1X2 2 units | |
Pistol Objects - Weapons | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 43 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Pistol Objects - Weapons | Thoki Yenn | NOA Magazine 99 | 19 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Pleated hat Clothes - Hats | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 52 | Rectangle - A size | |
Puzzle Building Blocks Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 169 | 30 | Square | |
Pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 13 | 38 | Rectangle - A size | |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1983 Spring | 10 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | Der Falter 5 | 14 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | NOA Kessakusen 2

| 32 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | Orison 20/02 | 45 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | Pajarita Magazine 69 | 28 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit - Shy young Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 177 | 25 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Rabbit - Shy young Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Thoki Yenn | NOA Magazine 99 | 17 | Square |  Folded from a square of heavy hand-made paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Scheherazade People - Ethnicities | Thoki Yenn | Origami USA Convention 2001 (read full review)
| 289 | Square |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Scheherazade - Lady of Saracens People - Ethnicities | Thoki Yenn | Wonderful Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara (read full review)
| 179 | Square
One of my favorites |  Folded from a square of duo Unryu paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Scissor case Objects - Useful | Thoki Yenn | CDO convention 1993 | 117 | Square | |
Scissors case Objects - Useful | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1985 Spring | 4 | Square | |
Silver rectangle pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Origami Deutschland 1998 | 7 | Rectangle | |
Silver rectangle pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 22 | Rectangle - A size | |
Silver-rectangle half-cube Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 14 | Rectangle - A size | |
Skew pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 212 | 1 | Square | |
Skew pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Origami Journal (Russian) 27 2001 1 | 27 | Square | |
Skew pyramid Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 24 | Square | |
Skew tetrahedron Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Origami Journal (Russian) 27 2001 1 | 29 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Skew tetrahedron Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Orikata - BOS booklet 13 by Thoki Yenn | 25 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Snake Reptiles - Snakes | Thoki Yenn | Origami Journal (Russian) 5 1997 Jan-Feb | 10 | Rectangle - Long strip | |
Stand in the corner of the desk drawer corner Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | CDO convention 1993 | 116 | Rectangle - A size | |
Stand in the corner of the desk drawer corner Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | MFPP 1990 Convention | 1 | Rectangle - A size | |
Stand in the corner of the desk drawer corner Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | Origami Deutschland 1990 | 44 | Rectangle - A size | |
Star shape Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | As the Memories in Germany by Kunihiko Kasahara | 13 | Square | |
Star shape Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Wonderful Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara (read full review)
| 150 | Square | |
Tearing money Toys - Action Models | Thoki Yenn | BOS Magazine 95 | 18 | Rectangle | |
Tetrahedral dissection puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1984 Autumn | 19 | Rectangle - A size 2 units | |
Torn note Toys - Noisemaking | Thoki Yenn | Le Pli 37 | 4 | Rectangle | |
Triangular box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1996 Spring | 67 | Rectangle - A size | |
Triangular box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 1996 Spring | 67 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Triangular box Boxes and Containers | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 2002 Spring | 76 | Rectangle - A size | |
Umulius Rectangulum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | BOS Convention 2002 Spring | 71 | Rectangle - 1X3 6 units |  Folded by Phillip West |
Umulius Rectangulum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | Le Pli 48 | 3 | Rectangle 6 units |  Folded by Phillip West |
Umulius rectangulum Geometric and other shapes | Thoki Yenn | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 216 | Rectangle - 1X3 6 units |  Folded by Phillip West |
Whale Mammals - Cetacea - Whales | Thoki Yenn | Secrets of Origami by Robert Harbin
| 72 | Square With cuts | |