Origami Database Search Results for vase gay merrill gross 9 origami designs found: Design Designer Book Page Details Photo Show only designs with photos VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossBOS Convention 1997 Autumn4Square VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossCDO convention 19996Square VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossDer Falter 2226Square VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossOrigami Journal (Russian) 17 1999 319Square VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossWCOG Newsletter 1997-11Square VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossBOS Convention 2007SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossKorea Origami Convention 200784SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossOrigami Kit for Dummies by Nick Robinson (read full review)168SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersGay Merrill GrossOrigami USA Convention 2006 (read full review)137SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung