Origami Ducks and Geese
(Total of 13 designs. Page 1 of 2)
Angry goose by Fred Rohm
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 239Diagrams in Centerfold Origami Convention 2010
Folded from a square of tracing paper

Canada goose by John Montroll
Diagrams in Origami Inside-Out by John MontrollFolded from a square of origami paper
Canada goose by Roman Diaz
Diagrams in Origami for Interpreters by Roman DiazFolded from a square of origami paper
Duck by Akiko Ishikawa
Diagrams in TinyShiny Origami Bird Book by Akiko IshikawaFolded from a square of scrapbooking paper
Duck by Kunihiko Kasahara
Diagrams in Origami El Mundo Nuevo by Kunihiko KasaharaFolded from a square of Tant paper

Duck by Kyohei Katsuta
Diagrams in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 94Folded from a square of origami paper

Duck by Shiri Daniel
Wet-folded from a square of 160gsm Canson art paperDuck (little miss duck) by Nicolas Terry
Diagrams in Passion Origami by Nicolas TerryFolded from a square of origami paper

Goose by David Brill
Diagrams in BOS Convention 1989 SpringDiagrams in Brilliant Origami by David Brill
Wet-folded from a square of double-sided mulberry paper

Goose by John Montroll
Diagrams in Christmas Origami by John MontrollFolded from a square of Alabaster origami paper