Origami Dolphins
(Total of 16 designs. Page 1 of 2)Dolphin by Quentin Trollip
Diagrams in Origami Sequence by Quentin TrollipDiagrams in Origami USA Convention 2008
Folded from a square of Elephant-Hide

Boy on dolphin by Robert Harbin
Diagrams in Origami 2 by Robert HarbinFolded from a square of Nicolas Terry's tissue-foil
Dolphin by David Brill
Diagrams in AEP convention 2011Diagrams in Peru Convention 2011
Folded from a rectangle of Elephant-Hide

Dolphin by Gabriel Alvarez Casanovas
Diagrams in BOS Convention 1992 AutumnDiagrams in Le Pli 55
Diagrams in Pajarita Extra 1992
Diagrams in Pajarita Extra 2011 - Gabriel Alvarez
Diagrams in Pajarita Magazine 39
Wet-folded from a square of 90gsm Fabriano paper

Dolphin by Gerard Ty Sovann
Diagrams in Pure Origami - Endangered Species by Gerard Ty SovannFolded from a square of Nicolas Terry's tissue-foil

Dolphin by John Montroll
Diagrams in Origami Sea Life by John Montroll and Robert J. LangDiagrams in Sea Creatures in Origami by John Montroll and Robert J. Lang
Folded from a square of Korean Hanji
Dolphin by Jun Maekawa
Diagrams in Genuine Origami by Jun MaekawaFolded from a square of textured origami paper
Dolphin by Kunihiko Kasahara
Diagrams in Cute! Cool! Beautiful! Animal Origami Book by Kunihiko KasaharaFolded from a square of textured origami paper
Dolphin by Nick Robinson
Diagrams in World's Best Origami by Nick RobinsonFolded from a square of metallic origami paper