Origami Pigs and Boars
(Total of 26 designs. Page 2 of 3)Pig by Ronald Koh
Diagrams in AEP convention 2011Diagrams in Czech Origami Convention 2012
Folded from a square of origami paper
Pig by Tony O'Hare
Diagrams in Animals and Birds - BOS booklet 62 by Tony O'HareDiagrams in BOS Magazine 66
Diagrams in Dieci Bellissimi Origami - 10 Beautiful Origami - QQM 1
Diagrams in Origami Paperfolding for Fun by Eric Kenneway
Folded from a rectangle of Unryu paper

Pig by Zhen-Ming Huang
Diagrams in Origami Creature by Zhen-Ming HuangWet-folded from a square of Astroparche crepe embossed cardstock
Pig - inflatable by Roman Diaz
Diagrams in Origami Essence by Roman DiazFolded from a square of Tant paper
Pig - piggy banknote by Max Hulme
Diagrams in BOS Convention 1989 SpringDiagrams in BOS Magazine 251
Diagrams in Selected Works - A Second Selection - BOS booklet 73 by Max Hulme
Folded from a rectangle of Unryu paper
Vietnamese pig by Madiyar Amerkeshev
Diagrams in Animals and Birds by Madiyar AmerkeshevDiagrams in CDO convention 2010
Folded from a square of textured origami paper
Wild boar by Fumiaki Kawahata
Diagrams in AEP convention 2008Diagrams in BOS Convention 2008 Spring
Diagrams in Origami Works of Fumiaki Kawahata by Fumiaki Kawahata
Diagrams in Tanteidan 15th convention
Folded from a square of wrapping-paper
Wild boar by Issei Yoshino
Diagrams in Issei Super Complex Origami by Issei YoshinoDiagrams in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 172
Folded from a square of rice paper+foil
Wild boar by Jun Maekawa
Diagrams in Genuine Origami by Jun MaekawaFolded from a square of origami paper