Origami Sports and Athletes
(Total of 16 designs. Page 2 of 2)Rock climber by Robert J. Lang
Diagrams in MFPP 1995 ConventionDiagrams in Origami USA Convention 1993
Folded from a square of thin wrapping paper
Skateboard by Quentin Trollip
Diagrams in Origami for Everybody by Quentin TrollipDiagrams in Quentin Trollip - Selected works - BOS booklet 67 by Quentin Trollip
Diagrams in The Art of London Origami
Folded from a square of textured Japanese Foil
Skateboard rider by Eran Leiserowitz
Diagrams in Origami USA Convention 2003Folded from a square of Japanese Foil
Skier by Robert Harbin
Diagrams in Fun Origami World by Makoto YamaguchiDiagrams in NOA Magazine 462
Diagrams in Origami 2 by Robert Harbin
Diagrams in ORU Magazine 12
Diagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman
Folded from a square of origami paper

Sumo by Yoo Tae Yong
Diagrams in Origami Works of Yoo Tae Yong by Yoo Tae YongFolded from a square of Fadeless Earth's Treasures Art Paper
Surfer on a wave by Jeremy Shafer
Diagrams in Awesome Origami - Vol. 2 by J.C. NolanDiagrams in BARF 1996 Summer by Jeremy Shafer
Diagrams in MFPP 1996 Convention
Diagrams in Origami Kids by J.C. Nolan
Diagrams in Origami to Astonish and Amuse by Jeremy Shafer
Diagrams in Origami USA Convention 1991
Diagrams in Quadrato Magico Magazine 60
Diagrams in The Best of Annual Collections 1981-1995
Folded from a square of Japanese Foil