Le Pli 22 book cover

Overall Impression

Le Pli is the quarterly newsletter of MFPP - the French Origami Association, Founded in 1978 by Jean-Claude Correia, with regular issues published since 1979.

There are 5 Origami Designs in Le Pli 22:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Geometric and other shapes

Larry Hart4Square

Also in BOS Convention 2012 Spring
Also in Orison 19/03
Also in Quadrato Magico Magazine 19
Also in BOS Magazine 101
Also in BOS Magazine 203
Also in BOS Magazine 327
and in other sources...
Origami Hexahedron by Larry Hart on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson


Tibor Pataki8Square

Birds - Anseriformes - Ducks and Geese

Tibor Pataki10Square

Birds - Falconiformes - Birds of prey

Tibor Pataki11Square

Flora - Trees and Plants

Robert Harbin16Square

Also in Origami 2 by Robert Harbin
Also in Origami Journal (Russian) 2 1996 Apr-Jun
Origami Tree by Robert Harbin on giladorigami.com
Folded by Marco Abate