Origami Database Search Results for Designer: Christophe Curat

39 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

4-color box
Boxes and Containers
Christophe CuratCover of AEP convention 2011AEP convention 201159SquareOrigami 4-color box by Christophe Curat on giladorigami.com
Folded by Wilson Yeung
A heart that big
Christophe CuratCover of Christmas Origami Book 2021Christmas Origami Book 202153Square
Bat - sleeping
Mammals - Chiroptera - Bats
Christophe CuratCover of AEP convention 2011AEP convention 2011104Square
Bicolor heart
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2017 ConventionMFPP 2017 Convention111Square
Boxes and Containers
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention28Square
Box with 4 hearts
Boxes and Containers
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2010 ConventionMFPP 2010 Convention20Square
Box with 6 hearts
Boxes and Containers
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2010 ConventionMFPP 2010 Convention23Hexagon
Cane coquette
Geometric and other shapes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2013 ConventionMFPP 2013 Convention74Square
Birds - Passeriformes
Christophe CuratCover of BOS Convention 2015 AutumnBOS Convention 2015 Autumn74Square
Birds - Passeriformes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2014 ConventionMFPP 2014 Convention48Square
Crane in heart - I love origami
Christophe CuratCover of BOS Convention 2014 AutumnBOS Convention 2014 Autumn44Square
Crane in heart - I love origami
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention32Square
Fox card holder
Objects - Useful
Christophe CuratCover of Le Pli 131Le Pli 13112Square
Fox card holder
Objects - Useful
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention50Square
Hamster head
Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2015 ConventionMFPP 2015 Convention36Square
Heart puppet
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2014 ConventionMFPP 2014 Convention46Square
Heart with mouth
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP Collection - Volume 1 - Origami GourmandMFPP Collection - Volume 1 - Origami Gourmand

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Geometric and other shapes
Christophe CuratCover of BOS Convention 2016 SpringBOS Convention 2016 Spring58Hexagon
Geometric and other shapes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2010 ConventionMFPP 2010 Convention28Hexagon
ISA box
Boxes and Containers
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention37Square
Vehicles - Boats
Christophe CuratCover of AEP convention 2011AEP convention 201120Square
Junk version 1
Vehicles - Boats
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2015 ConventionMFPP 2015 Convention42Square
Junk version 2
Vehicles - Boats
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2015 ConventionMFPP 2015 Convention45Square
Little bird
Birds - Passeriformes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2016 ConventionMFPP 2016 Convention76Square
Little bird
Birds - Passeriformes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP Collection - Volume 2 - Origami Du VivantMFPP Collection - Volume 2 - Origami Du Vivant

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Loving birds table mark
Objects - Useful
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2009 ConventionMFPP 2009 Convention80Square
Loving birds table mark
Objects - Useful
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention48Square
Modular star
Geometric and other shapes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention40Square
Multiple units
Insects - Butterflies
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2009 ConventionMFPP 2009 Convention74Square
Polar bear head
Mammals - Ursidae - Bears
Christophe CuratCover of BOS Convention 2016 AutumnBOS Convention 2016 Autumn25Other shape

From spice-pot lid cover
Polar bear head
Mammals - Ursidae - Bears
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2015 ConventionMFPP 2015 Convention41Other shape

From spice-pot lid cover
Quill pen
Objects - Writing and Painting
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2007 ConventionMFPP 2007 Convention30Square
Quill pen
Objects - Writing and Painting
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2012 ConventionMFPP 2012 Convention45Square
Sports and Athletes
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2016 ConventionMFPP 2016 Convention71Square
Sleeping bat
Mammals - Chiroptera - Bats
Christophe CuratCover of Christmas Origami Book 2007Christmas Origami Book 200747Square
Snowy peaks
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2019 ConventionMFPP 2019 Convention108Rectangle
Snowy peaks 1.2
Christophe CuratCover of CDO convention 2019CDO convention 2019124Rectangle
Space shuttle
Vehicles - Spacecrafts
Christophe CuratCover of MFPP 2013 ConventionMFPP 2013 Convention77Square
Tato RJS variations
Letters and Envelopes
Christophe CuratCover of BOS Convention 2022BOS Convention 2022

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