Origami Database Search Results for Designer: Mase Eiichiro

6 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

Archelon skeleton
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Cretaceous - Cretaceous Non-Dinosaurs
Mase EiichiroCover of X Origami by Tsuruta YoshimasaX Origami by Tsuruta Yoshimasa

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Mase EiichiroCover of Tanteidan 29th conventionTanteidan 29th convention

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Diatryma gigantea (Gastornis) skeleton
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Paleogene - Paleogene Prehistoric Animals
Mase EiichiroCover of Origami Tanteidan Magazine 184Origami Tanteidan Magazine 18426Square
Multiple units
Dimetrodon skeleton
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Permian - Dimetrodon
Mase EiichiroCover of Tanteidan 27th conventionTanteidan 27th convention

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Multiple units
Long-beaked butterfly fish skeleton
Mase EiichiroCover of Personal CollectionPersonal CollectionSquare
Multiple units
Mammals - Cetacea - Whales
Mase EiichiroCover of Tanteidan 25th conventionTanteidan 25th convention

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106SquareOrigami Whale by Mase Eiichiro on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda