8 star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami Deutschland 2013 | 34 | Square 8 units | |
8 star lotus Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami Deutschland 2013 | 36 | Square 8 units | |
8-star lotus Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami Deutschland 2012 | 38 | Square 8 units | |
Iris star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Bogota Origami Convention 2013
| 98 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Iris star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | CDO convention 2013 | 47 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Iris star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Czech Origami Convention 2012
| 28 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Iris star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami Deutschland 2013 | 37 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Mathilda star Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | CDO convention 2014 | 229 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Star anise Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami USA Convention 2016 (read full review)
| 185 | Octagon | |
Star enchantment Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Czech Origami Convention 2018-2019
| 420 | Square 8 units | |
Star for Yves Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | The Origami Diagram Book by Beth Johnson and Ilan Garibi

| 117 | Octagon | |
Star Mathilda Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | BOS Convention 2019 Spring | 10 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Star Mathilda Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami Deutschland 2014 | 74 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Star Mathilda Geometric and other shapes | Dasa Severova | Origami USA Convention 2014 (read full review)
| 175 | Octagon |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Star of David Religion and Holidays - Jewish Religion | Dasa Severova | OrigamIsrael Newsletter 8 | 4 | Hexagon | |