Origami Database Search Results for crane - crowned john montroll 4 origami designs found: Design Designer Book Page Details Photo Show only 2 designs with photos Crane - crownedBirds - Gruiformes - CranesJohn MontrollAfrican Animals in Origami by John Montroll (read full review)16SquareFolded by Illya Arcos Crowned craneBirds - Gruiformes - CranesJohn MontrollOrigami Symphony No. 1: The Elephant's Trumpet Call by John Montroll34Square Crowned craneBirds - Gruiformes - CranesJohn MontrollOrigami Birds by John Montroll41SquareFolded by Illya Arcos Flying crowned craneBirds - Gruiformes - CranesJohn MontrollOrigami Symphony No. 1: The Elephant's Trumpet Call by John Montroll31Square