Origami Database Search Results for fox mathieu gueros

3 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves
Mathieu GuerosCover of MFPP 2016 ConventionMFPP 2016 Convention164SquareOrigami Fox by Mathieu Gueros on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves
Mathieu GuerosCover of Origami USA Convention 2016Origami USA Convention 2016 (read full review)

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76SquareOrigami Fox by Mathieu Gueros on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves
Mathieu GuerosCover of Pajarita Magazine 168Pajarita Magazine 16842SquareOrigami Fox by Mathieu Gueros on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda