Origami Database Search Results for heart with letter o francis ow

5 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

Card with heart
Letters and Envelopes
Francis OwCover of NOA Magazine 274NOA Magazine 2745Rectangle - 1X2Origami Card with heart by Francis Ow on giladorigami.com
Folded by Wilson Yeung
Heart with letter "O"
Francis OwCover of More Origami Hearts by Francis OwMore Origami Hearts by Francis Ow98Square
Heart with letter "O"
Francis OwCover of Origami Hearts by Francis OwOrigami Hearts by Francis Ow

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Heart with letter "V"
Francis OwCover of Origami USA Convention 2000Origami USA Convention 2000 (read full review)

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253SquareOrigami Heart with letter "V" by Francis Ow on giladorigami.com
Folded by Marjan Smeijsters
Valentine card with heart
Letters and Envelopes
Francis OwCover of Pajarita Extra 1989Pajarita Extra 19898Rectangle - 1X2Origami Valentine card with heart by Francis Ow on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda