Origami Database Search Results for star koya ohashi 11 origami designs found: Design Designer Book Page Details Photo Show only 0 designs with photos StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 209Square2 units StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 7117Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 1795Square StarNatureKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 3649Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 38231Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 43119Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 56140Square StarNatureKoya OhashiOrigami de Christmas (read full review)53Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiOrigami de Christmas 3 (read full review)78Square StarGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiOrigami Decorations for Halloween52Square Star IIGeometric and other shapesKoya OhashiNOA Magazine 459Square