Origami Database Search Results for vase vicente palacios 8 origami designs found: Design Designer Book Page Details Photo Show only 7 designs with photos Chinese vase variationBoxes and ContainersPhilip ShenPapiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)148SquareGoodFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersLluis ValldeneuOrigami from Around the World by Vicente Palacios18Rectangle - A sizeFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersMiguel Angel PalaciosPapiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)112SquareNice VaseBoxes and ContainersVicente PalaciosCDO convention 199477SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersVicente PalaciosOrigami for Beginners by Vicente Palacios16SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersVicente PalaciosPajarita Magazine 3327SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung VaseBoxes and ContainersVicente PalaciosPapiroflexia Facil by Vicente Palacios20SquareFolded by Wilson Yeung Vase - "last rose of summer"Boxes and ContainersPhilip ShenPapiroflexia Coleccion by Vicente Palacios (read full review)104SquareA variation of "Verdi's Vase"Folded by Fujikura Atsuo