Origami Database Search Results for wedge flexicube david brill

3 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

Box for Flexicube
Boxes and Containers
David BrillCover of Wedge Flexicube by David BrillWedge Flexicube by David Brill (read full review)9Square
2 units
Origami Box for Flexicube by David Brill. Folded from 2 squares of wrapping-paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from 2 squares of wrapping-paper by Gilad Aharoni
Wedge flexicube
Toys - Action Models
David BrillCover of Origami USA Convention 2010Origami USA Convention 2010 (read full review)

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16 units
Origami Wedge flexicube by David Brill. Folded from 16 squares of spackled paper plus 8 squares for hinges by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from 16 squares of spackled paper plus 8 squares for hinges by Gilad Aharoni
Wedge Flexicube
Toys - Action Models
David BrillCover of Wedge Flexicube by David BrillWedge Flexicube by David Brill (read full review)4Square
16 units

Plus 8 squares for hinges
Watch it being taught by Sara Adams on Youtube!
Origami Wedge Flexicube by David Brill. Folded by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded by Gilad Aharoni