Origami Amphibians
(Total of 40 designs. Page 4 of 4)Frog - tropical by Alfredo Giunta
Diagrams in BOS Convention 2003 SpringFolded from a rectangle of foil, hand-decorated by Mark Kennedy

Pre-Colombian frog by Leyla Torres
Diagrams in Buddhist Origami by Nick RobinsonDiagrams in AEP convention 2013
Diagrams in Creased Magazine 4
Diagrams in Foldspace Origami Convention 2020
Folded rom a square of cardstock

Frog on a leaf by Paul Jackson
Diagrams in 18 of My Paper Folds - BOS booklet 16 by Paul JacksonDiagrams in Contemporary Origami by Daniel G. Mason
Folded from a square of duo origami paper
Frog on lily pad by Patricia Crawford
Diagrams in Origami 3 by Robert HarbinDiagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman
Tadpole by Akira Yoshizawa
Diagrams in Antologia di Origami Animali by Akira YoshizawaDiagrams in Origami Museum 1: Animals by Akira Yoshizawa
Folded from a square of scrapbooking paper
Toad by Jacky Chan
Diagrams in Chinese (H.K.) Origami Convention 3 2008Diagrams in Tanteidan 14th convention
Folded from a square of Elephant-Hide
Toad by Roman Diaz
Diagrams in Origami Essence by Roman DiazFolded from a square of Safari Prints Fadeless paper
Toad - silver by Jun Maekawa
Diagrams in Genuine Japanese Origami (Book 1) by Jun MaekawaDiagrams in Genuine Origami Square-Root 2 by Jun Maekawa
Folded from a rectangle of scrapbooking paper

Tree frog by Andrew Stoker
Diagrams in Fantastic Folds by Andrew StokerFolded from a square of tie-dyed rice paper

Tree frog by Robert J. Lang
Diagrams in Origami Design Secrets - 2nd edition by Robert J. LangFolded from a square of Origamido Frog Paper