Origami Owls
(Total of 38 designs. Page 4 of 4)
Owl by Sakurai Ryosuke
Diagrams in Origami of the Sky by Sakurai RyosukeDiagrams in Perfect Origami Life 2 by Sakurai Ryosuke
Diagrams in Tanteidan 24th convention
Folded from a square of Biotope paper

Owl by Seo Won Seon (Redpaper)
Diagrams in Pure Origami by Seo Won Seon (Redpaper)Folded from a square of Duo Thai paper
Owl by Stephen Weiss
Diagrams in BOS Convention 1983 SpringDiagrams in BOS Magazine 177
Diagrams in Origami USA Convention 1983
Diagrams in Origami Zoo by Robert J. Lang and Stephen Weiss
Folded from a square of origami paper

Owl by Zhen-Ming Huang
Diagrams in Origami Creature by Zhen-Ming HuangFolded from a square of Tant paper

Owl - oligami by Edward Megrath
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 55Diagrams in Origami 4 by Robert Harbin
Folded from a square of origami paper

Owl and tree by Wayne Brown
Diagrams in BOS Convention 2015 SpringDiagrams in Ecuador Origami Convention 2014
Diagrams in Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-23
Diagrams in Origami Europe
Diagrams in Origami USA Convention 2014
Owl and tree each folded from a square of Animal Print Origami Paper
Owlet 2 by Kyohei Katsuta
Diagrams in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 103Wet-folded from a square of double-sided mulberry paper

Scops owl by Tsuda Yoshio
Diagrams in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 98Folded from a square of thin wrapping paper