Origami Pandas
(Total of 110 designs. Page 6 of 11)
Panda by Neal Elias
Diagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc CoomanFolded from a square of origami paper

Panda by Neal Elias
Diagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc CoomanFolded from a rectangle of origami paper

Panda by Neal Elias
Diagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc CoomanFolded from a rectangle of origami paper
Panda by Niwa Taiko
Diagrams in NOA Magazine 433Diagrams in Orison 28/05
Folded from 2 squares of origami paper

Panda by Oriol Esteve
Diagrams in Crease Crazy by Oriol EsteveFolded from a square of Duo Thai origami paper

Panda by Oriol Esteve
Diagrams in Stop Thinking, Start Folding by Oriol EsteveFolded fom a square of Duo Thai paper
Panda by Quentin Trollip
Diagrams in Origami for Everybody by Quentin TrollipFolded from a square of Tant paper

Panda by Rob Snyder
Diagrams in 4 Esquinas Magazine 27Diagrams in Foldspace Origami Convention 2020
Diagrams in Rob Snyder Origami by Rob Snyder
Folded from a square of origami paper
Panda by Robert Harbin
Diagrams in BOS Convention 2012 SpringDiagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman
Diagrams in The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman
Folded from a rectangle of origami paper
Panda by Robert J. Lang
Diagrams in Origami Zoo by Robert J. Lang and Stephen WeissFolded from a square of origami paper