ABCs Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 33 | 14 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 34 | 12 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 35 | 15 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 36 | 11 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 37 | 14 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 38 | 14 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 39 | 13 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 40 | 11 | Rectangle
From Metro tickets | |
Alphabet from Metro tickets Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 32 | 7 | Rectangle | |
Antelope Mammals - Bovidae - Sheep, Goats and Bovides | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 58 | 5 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Bat - flapping Mammals - Chiroptera - Bats | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 1991 Convention | 31 | Square | |
Bear Mammals - Ursidae - Bears | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 2009 Convention | 35 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Birds of the Bicentenary Symbols | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 38 | 5 | Square | |
Bull head Mammals - Bovidae - Cows and Buffalo | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 45 | 17 | Other shape
From a tea bag | |
Bull mask (chocolate wrapper) Mammals - Bovidae - Cows and Buffalo | Alain Georgeot | CDO convention 1998 | 27 | Other shape | |
Cat Mammals - Felidae - Cats | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 1997 Convention | 85 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Cat-monkey Mammals - Primates | Alain Georgeot | MFPP Collection - Volume 1 - Origami Gourmand

| 15 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Centipede Centipedes | Alain Georgeot | Der Falter 11 | 27 | Rectangle - Long strip | |
Centipede Centipedes | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 31 | 11 | Rectangle - Long strip | |
Classique Toys - Planes | Alain Georgeot | Advanced Championship Paper Planes by Paul Jackson
| 30 | Square | |
Coyote Mammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 1996 Convention | 53 | Square | |
Cross Religion and Holidays - Christian Religion | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 64 | 8 | Rectangle | |
Duck Birds - Anseriformes - Ducks and Geese | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 124-125 | 17 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Elephant Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants | Alain Georgeot | Origami USA Convention 1988 (read full review)
| 85 | Square | |
Elephant Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants | Alain Georgeot | Pajarita Magazine 43 | 32 | Rectangle
From Mtero ticket | |
Flapping bird variation Toys - Action Models | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 1996 Convention | 55 | Rectangle - 1X4 | |
Flapping butterfly Toys - Action Models | Alain Georgeot | The Paper Magazine 36 | 17 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Hi how are you Toys - Action Models | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 53 | 3 | Square | |
Horse Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 56 | 6 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Horse head Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 66 | 4 | Square | |
Iguanodon Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals - Jurassic - Jurassic Dinosaurs | Alain Georgeot | CDO convention 1998 | 25 | Square | |
Lizard Reptiles | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 33 | 12 | Rectangle
From a Metro ticket | |
Magic tube Toys - Action Models | Alain Georgeot | Atlas de l'Origami
| 187 | Rectangle - A size | |
Mask People | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 100-101-102 | 19 | Square | |
Mask with donkey ears People | Alain Georgeot | MFPP Collection - Volume 2 - Origami Du Vivant

| 20 | Square | |
Michael's shell Molluscs | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 1991 Convention | 32 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Mountain goat Mammals - Bovidae - Sheep, Goats and Bovides | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 142 | 4 | $ US Dollar Bill | |
Parakeet Birds - Psittaciformes - Parrots | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 109 | 11 | Square | |
Parakeet Birds - Psittaciformes - Parrots | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 2017 Convention | 133 | Square | |
Pegasus Imaginary beings - Pegasi | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 2017 Convention | 130 | Square | |
Penguins - kissing Toys - Action Models | Alain Georgeot | Atlas de l'Origami
| 183 | Square | |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Alain Georgeot | CDO convention 1998 | 28 | Square | |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Alain Georgeot | CDO convention 1999 | 16 | Square | |
Sailboat Vehicles - Boats | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 134 | 14 | Square | |
Sailboat with 3 masts Vehicles - Boats | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 2019 Convention | 87 | Square | |
Shell Molluscs | Alain Georgeot | MFPP 2015 Convention | 28 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Snail Molluscs | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 92 | 15 | Square | |
Sparrow Birds - Passeriformes | Alain Georgeot | Le Pli 145 | 12 | Square | |
Sparrow with tuft Birds - Passeriformes | Alain Georgeot | Origami USA Convention 1996 (read full review)
| 93 | Square | |
Star Geometric and other shapes | Alain Georgeot | The Origami Collection 11 | 253 | Square | |