Origami Database Search Results for Designer: Juan Pedro Rubio Pena 10 origami designs found: Design Designer Book Page Details Photo Show only 2 designs with photos AnatidaeBirds - Anseriformes - Ducks and GeeseJuan Pedro Rubio PenaBOS Convention 2003 Autumn38Square BirdBirdsJuan Pedro Rubio PenaAEP convention 2008115Square ConcordeVehicles - AirplanesJuan Pedro Rubio PenaAEP convention 2004259Square ConcordeVehicles - AirplanesJuan Pedro Rubio PenaPajarita Magazine 9133Square DragonImaginary beings - DragonsJuan Pedro Rubio PenaPajarita Magazine 10311Square Goose in flightBirds - Anseriformes - Ducks and GeeseJuan Pedro Rubio PenaAEP convention 200341Square Goose in flightBirds - Anseriformes - Ducks and GeeseJuan Pedro Rubio PenaPajarita Magazine 8325Square Hexagonal star boxBoxes and ContainersJuan Pedro Rubio PenaAEP convention 201223Square12 units Pajarita with Christmas capReligion and Holidays - Christmas and Santa ClausJuan Pedro Rubio PenaPajarita Magazine 8518Rectangle - 1X2Folded by Magali WolfMammals - Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes and WolvesJuan Pedro Rubio PenaPajarita Magazine 1073SquareFolded by Pere Olivella