Origami Database Search Results for imp head nick robinson

5 origami designs found:

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Cat head
Mammals - Felidae - Cats
TraditionalCover of Halloween Origami by Nick RobinsonHalloween Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)

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Simple cat head
Origami Cat head by Traditional on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Elephant head
Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants
Nick RobinsonCover of The Origami Bible by Nick RobinsonThe Origami Bible by Nick Robinson (read full review)

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Origami Elephant head by Nick Robinson on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Horse head (a)
Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys
David BrillCover of The Origami Bible by Nick RobinsonThe Origami Bible by Nick Robinson (read full review)

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Origami Horse head (a) by David Brill on giladorigami.com
Folded by Nick Robinson
Imp head
Toys - Puppets
Nick RobinsonCover of Halloween Origami by Nick RobinsonHalloween Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)

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Mouth opens and closes
Three crease head
Paul JacksonCover of Origami Kit for Dummies by Nick RobinsonOrigami Kit for Dummies by Nick Robinson (read full review)

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Nice and simple
Origami Three crease head by Paul Jackson. Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Folded from a square of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni