Origami Christmas and Santa Claus
(Total of 217 designs. Page 12 of 22)
Santa Claus by Mimi Nohara
Folded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Mineo Shotaro
Diagrams in Tanteidan 20th conventionFolded from a square of origami paper

Santa Claus by Miyajima Noboru
Diagrams in Origami Instruction Book by Miyajima NoboruFolded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Nakai Tsutomu
Diagrams in Tanteidan 18th conventionFolded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Nakajima Susumu
Diagrams in Buon Origami - QQM 63 by Francesco MiglionicoDiagrams in NOA Magazine 424
Diagrams in NOA Magazine 520
Folded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Nick Robinson
Diagrams in BOS Magazine 319Diagrams in Origami for Christmas - 26 Festive Models - BOS booklet 80
Diagrams in Quadrato Magico Magazine 110
Diagrams in World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson
Folded from a square of origami paper

Santa Claus by Peter Buchan-Symons
Diagrams in Easy Christmas Origami by Peter Buchan-SymonsFolded from a square of origami paper