Origami Christmas and Santa Claus
(Total of 217 designs. Page 7 of 22)
Santa Claus by Inayoshi Hidehisa
Diagrams in Tanteidan 24th conventionfolded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Ishibashi Minako
Diagrams in Absolute Beginner's Origami by Nick RobinsonDiagrams in BOS Magazine 211
Diagrams in NOA Magazine 196
Diagrams in NOA Magazine 579
Diagrams in Origami de Christmas 2
Folded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by Jens-Helge Dahmen
Diagrams in AEP convention 2006Diagrams in Argentina Convention 2010
Diagrams in BOS Convention 2005 Autumn
Diagrams in Dutch Origami Convention 2014 Landelijke Oridag De Meern
Folded from a square of origami paper

Santa Claus by Joel Stern
Folded from a square of origami paper
Santa Claus by John Montroll
Diagrams in Origami Twelve Days of Christmas: And Santa, too! by John MontrollFolded from a square of origami paper

Santa Claus by John Montroll
Diagrams in Christmas Origami by John MontrollFolded from a square of origami paper

Santa Claus by John Montroll
Diagrams in Origami Twelve Days of Christmas: And Santa, too! by John MontrollFolded from a square of origami paper