Diamonds Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | 20 | Square 2 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Versatile Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | 24 | Square Multiple units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Gem flower Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 28 | Square 2 units
Also in BOS Convention 2015 Spring |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Eifel star Geometric and other shapes | Hans Werner Guth | 32 | Square 12 units
Also in BOS Magazine 268 Also in BOS Magazine 290 Also in Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-10 Also in OrigaMIT 2011 Convention Book Also in Personal Collection Also in CDO convention 2011 and in other sources... |  Folded by Rebecca |
Snap hexahedron Geometric and other shapes | Larry Hart | 36 | Square
Also in BOS Convention 2012 Spring Also in Le Pli 22 Also in Orison 19/03 Also in Quadrato Magico Magazine 19 Also in BOS Magazine 101 Also in BOS Magazine 203 Also in BOS Magazine 327 and in other sources... |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Sonobe unit Geometric and other shapes | Mitsunobu Sonobe | 38 | Square Multiple units
Also in 12 Months with the Unit Origami Also in Doctor's Origami Dream Book by Toshikazu Kawasaki Also in The Encyclopedia of Origami Techniques by Nick Robinson Also in Papiroflexia Basica by Vicente Palacios Also in Origami Christmas Tree Decorations by Paul Jackson Also in ORU Magazine 13 Also in Origami - 30 fold-by-fold projects by Paulo Mulatinho and in other sources... |  Folded by Meenakshi Mukerji |
Dodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Boaz Shuval | 44 | Square 12 units
Also in MFPP 2007 Convention Also in Polish Origami Association Newsletter 3 |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Jump unit Geometric and other shapes | Hans Werner Guth | 48 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Spinning top Geometric and other shapes | Various | 52 | Square 3 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Woven cube Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 56 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Bow tie cube Geometric and other shapes | Vignesh Cumareshan | 58 | Square 6 units
Also in BOS Convention 2006 Autumn |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Diamond star Geometric and other shapes | Francesco Guarnieri | 62 | Square 5 units
Also in Poesie e Geometria di Carta - Poems and Paper Geometry - QQM 60 by Francesco Guarnieri |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Truncated cube Geometric and other shapes | Various | 66 | Square 6 units
Also in Ecuador Origami Convention 2014 Also in Origami for Children by Mari Ono and Roshin Ono
Based on Yakko san |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Sunken octahedrnon Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 70 | Square 2 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Segmented unit Geometric and other shapes | David Brill | 74 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Trapezohedron Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 78 | Square 8 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Bipyramid blackberry Geometric and other shapes | Denver Lawson | 82 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Truncated star Geometric and other shapes | Francis Ow | 86 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Hinged equilateral unit Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 92 | Square Multiple units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Bipyramid dragon fruit Geometric and other shapes | Nick Robinson | 98 | Square 12 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Leaved octahedral skeleton Geometric and other shapes | Denver Lawson | 102 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |